... (this is the MP). Why should they do this? Quick ... assuming that the reasons why country X should put in the ... br />
Answer A: Why do we need to assume ... , I think I get why this one is wrong. ... Production by foreign companies. Why must there be a net ...
I chose E and can't really understand why it is wrong whereas C is correct. Can someone please break down the logic or reasoning behind this argument? Thanks in advance
I don't understand why E is correct. I chose B. Could someone please explain why the right answer is right and the wrong answers are wrong? Thank you in advance.
I don't understand why D is correct. I chose B. Could someone please explain why the right answer is right and the wrong answers are wrong? Thank you in advance.
Just wondering why that is, if that is the case?? I mean they still are administered official LSATs why not weigh them equally to tests administered in other months...
Why are my questions not being answered? People who posted later than me seem to get a response first, and this has happened to me on several occasions. What's going on?
... • How do they interact
• Why do care about these viewpoints ... br />
How and Why to turn your passage into ... it says before/after X and you can tie ... in with exactly what X is being able to ... many are you missing, why are you missing questions?
anyone ever tried using an offer to get off a wait list? Ex-school X (ranked 25) offers you a seat and you have 2 weeks to respond. School Y (first choice, rank 45) wait lists you.
... style?
We expect that essays are the work of the ... to detect these professionally polished essays. We will often compare the ... stark contrast, we'll know why.
Not all X are Y. Is this translated as X some (not)Y? Also, is Not all X are Y equivalent to X some Y? For the latter question, I know in English in certain contexts, the statement "not all" of something implies "some are."