For the newbies: Add me on Skype, using handle dmlevine76.
For the regulars: If for some reason you're not in the group conversation[s] already, just message me on Skype.< ...
I do not understand how the answer choice C is supported at all. What part of the premise supports answer C? Thank you.
I'm a little confused by this one...
Could anyone explain why Answer Choice B is correct?
For the newbies: Add me on Skype, using handle dmlevine76.
For the regulars: If for some reason you're not in the group conversation[s] already, just message me on Skype.< ...
Can someone please help me understand why this is A. How does this strengthen the argument that Han purple was discovered by accident?
For the newbies: Add me on Skype, using handle dmlevine76.
For the regulars: If for some reason you're not in the group conversation[s] already, just message me on Skype.
For the newbies: Add me on Skype, search handle dmlevine76.
For the regulars: If for some reason you're not in the group conversation[s] already, just message me on Skype.
Last week, we only had one taker for Friday Group BR. If no one’s interested this week, we should probably move it to a different day (maybe a morning group BR???). I’m open to suggestions...
Any interest in an additional Monday Morning Group BR???
We had good attendance for all BR groups last week, but I saw a few who wanted to do mornings. Who would be interested in Mondays? If we add a fourth, that’s fine, but I’m not entirely ...