So, ... whether your reasoning is correct or not is exactly why you ... remove this uncertainty. Either confirm or correct your initial reasoning. Take ... you can find that path in the dark, and this is exactly ...
... still could not find the path even though I think about ... I found my reasonings and pro's reasonings or explanations are different ... just eliminate my reasoning and absorb their explanations and try to understand ...
... still could not find the path even though I think about ... I found my reasonings and pro's reasonings or explanations are different ... add on to your reasoning, or it can be another reason ... necessarily mean that you or they are wrong, or more right. Unless ...
... d say I'm about 1-2 points away from ... essentially hitting your goal score and now would like to ensure ... worth it. If you're 1-2 points away from consistently ... only make you more consistent and confident. Two things I ... until December seems like a win-win to me.
1) I wanted to be the ... a lawyer was a great path to get there then wanted ... still worked day in and day out and how that taught me ... happen, or what cards you are dealt with, hard work and determination ... to class, during midterms/finals, and dinner. I was still " ...
1. I'm a reporter turned ... m of mixed racial heritage and have picked up a ... between a path which would protect my livelihood and ego but ... s chance of survival and a second path which would slightly increase ... the cost of fire departments and schools. For 20 years ...
... graduate with an accounting degree and am considering working at a ... />
Congrats and this seems like a good path to pursue! get ... let the LSAT determine whether or not law school is for ... a good attitude throughout it and to not lose momentum - this ...
... , so you're going to win some/lose some. It just ... whatever weaknesses the PT exposes, and return to PTing only when ... which you will have frequent and extensive returns to the curriculum ...
... helps is healthy eating and a good workout routine. ... Good cardiovascular health and a mix a good ... take some time off and remember that the LSAT ... test. You don't win the marathon by running a ... .e. burnout happens and you feel and study time is not ...
... just lead to mounting stress and anxiety, which contributes to burn ... handle things like that mentally, and everyone is different.
< ... wouldn't commit to one pathor the other without objectively considering ... where you're at and what your options are
... scares correlated with your sleep and anxiety issues? Are you sure ... legal career is the right path? I only ask because law ... on yourself because your mental and physical health is more important ...
... hear you are taking that path instead of rushing into it ... thankful I found this forum and people like @"Cant Get Right ... make my goal a score and not a date.
... been down the exact same path. Last year I studied for ... ... wasted enormous amounts of time and was completely unprepared for the ... in full time school and was working and volunteering therefore I simply ... summer, one being full time and will not be ready for ...
... Best team most likely to win -> Our club will ... that you will almost certainly win the lottery? No. ... you are not guaranteed to win. Sure, you are ... team from coming in and upsetting the favored team. ... team is more likely to win that not.
... implies a 51% chance or greater whereas "almost certain" ... to conceptualize "most" and "almost certain" and their subtle differences. ... sets out to prove, or committing the circular reasoning ... 1% chance) does not meant I will almost certainly (99% chance) win ...
... NU's 75th percentile LSAT and a little less than its ... 'd necessarily be fighting to win. That's why I'm ... URM since I'm Asian, and my financial situations are difficult ...
... engineers are in high demand and you might be able to ... the decision to do one or the other but I figure ... idea how to choose which path is better. It's been ... for the last few months and I'm favoring neither ... If you have any advice or if you've researched the ...
... 15 of an LR section and realize only like 13 ... time to go back and check answers and do ones I've ... time to read and absorb the stimulus, question, and answer choices. If ... you are doing those things and understand what you have read ... you are on the right path.
... emphasis in psychology and minors in both english and history. I ... helping my fellow latino community and other diverse immigrant groups. ... degree in order to serve and protect these groups.
... made consider law as career path.
... that: (1) the LSAT is a fucking beast; and (2) ... STRICT test-day conditions, and I completely changed my approach ... the test this September, and I can guarantee you ... ... is approximately a 177; and that is the reason ...