This is our legacy law school admissions predictor. You can see our new predictor here.
Use your highest LSAT score and your cumulative undergraduate GPA according to LSAC*. Select the month you expect to apply. You can use the filter box to search for a school, click a column heading to sort your results, or hover over your estimated chances to see a tooltip of your admission probabilities by month.
If you haven't yet submitted your transcripts to LSAC, use your cumulative GPA according to your undergraduate institution or estimate your LSAC GPA.
*To find your cumulative GPA, log into LSAC, then click this link: . Scroll to the bottom of your Academic Summary, where you'll find a section labeled "SUMMARY," and read your "Cumulative GPA."
Our data is self-reported and may be biased. We recommend that you use our predictions as one reference point, not the final word.
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