LSAT 149 – Section 1 – Question 22

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PT149 S1 Q22
Flaw or descriptive weakening +Flaw
Causal Reasoning +CausR
+Hardest 143.093 +SubsectionEasier

Advertisement: Hypnosis videos work to alter behavior by subliminally directing the subconscious to act in certain ways. Directions to the subconscious must, however, be repeated many times in order to be effective. Hypnosis videos from Mesmosis, Inc. induce a hypnotic state and then issue an initial command to the subject’s subconscious to experience each subsequent instruction as if it had been repeated 1,000 times. Because of the initial instruction, the subsequent instructions on Mesmosis videos are extremely effective—it is as if they had actually been repeated 1,000 times!

Summarize Argument
Mesmosis videos issue an initial command to a subject’s subconscious to experience each subsequent instruction as if it had been repeated 1,000 times. Based on this, as well as the fact that directions to a subconscious must be repeated many times in order to be effective, the author concludes that subsequent instructions from the Mesmosis videos will be experienced as if they had been repeated 1,000 times.

Identify and Describe Flaw
The author overlooks the fact that directions to a subconscious must be repeated many times to be effective. We were not told that the initial instruction to experience subsequent instructions would be repeated many times. So there’s no basis to think that the initial instructions will be effective. That means there’s no basis to think that subsequent instructions will be perceived as if they had been repeated 1,000 times.

overlooks a requirement that it states for the effectiveness of directions to the subconscious
The overlooks the requirement that instructions must be repeated many times in order to be effective. If we don’t know the initial instruction is repeated many times, the author’s conclusion doesn’t follow.
takes for granted that the effectiveness of a direction to the subconscious is always directly proportional to the number of times the direction is repeated
The author never suggests a proportional relationship between repetition and effectiveness. Repetition is required in order for directions to be a effective, but that doesn’t mean the greater the repetition, the greater the effectiveness.
concludes that hypnosis is the most effective technique for altering behavior without considering evidence supporting other techniques
The author does not assume that hypnosis is the most effective technique for altering behavior. He asserts that hypnosis videos can work to change behavior, but never suggests that they are the most effective.
draws a conclusion that simply restates a claim presented in support of that conclusion
(D) describes circular reasoning. The author’s conclusion asserts that subsequent instructions on Mesmosis videos are extremely effective. This does not restate any supporting claim. There’s no other claim asserting that subsequent instructions are extremely effective.
concludes that hypnosis videos will be effective simply because they have never been proven to be ineffective
The argument doesn’t rely on a claim that hypnosis videos have never been proven to be ineffective. The support for the conclusion concerns a description of the initial instruction and what is required for directions to a subconscious to be effective.

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