Posts Tagged ‘Difficulty: Moderate’
When the clock is ticking, high-scorers don't always have a perfect grasp of the stimulus- but they can still get to the right answer through elimination! This class highlights important answer choice features that can help you eliminate wrong answers with confidence.
You’ll do the first two questions as a class. After that, you’ll get 2-3 minutes to attempt each question on your own before reviewing and discussing your choices as a class.
Difficulty: 3-5 stars
Pace: 5-7 Questions
When the clock is ticking, high-scorers don't always have a perfect grasp of the stimulus- but they can still get to the right answer through elimination! This class highlights important answer choice features that can help you eliminate wrong answers with confidence.
You’ll do the first two questions as a class. After that, you’ll get 2-3 minutes to attempt each question on your own before reviewing and discussing your choices as a class.
Difficulty: 3-5 stars
Pace: 5-7 Questions
It’s all about teamwork in this LR challenge! When over half the class nails a question in the anonymous poll, we ascend to the next level of difficulty. If we miss the mark, we reset and keep working together at the current level until we’re ready to rise. Let’s climb the ladder—together!
Question Difficulty: 1-5 stars
Pace: 5-6 questions per class
Today's LR Section Strategy taught by Rahela has been changed to Point at Issue taught by Nicole due to unforeseen circumstances.
One of the most atypical question types, Point at Issue questions ask us to pinpoint where two arguments differ or align without getting distracted by other elements in the split stimulus. Learn how should your approach differ when there are two arguments to consider, and how to avoid the red herrings this question type often features!
Macro-level strategies are a critical yet often neglected set of LSAT skills. When engaging with the test, you should always have a plan! How often should you skip, and how should you be deciding which questions to come back to later? What do you do when you don't understand a stimulus, or find yourself evenly torn between two attractive answers? Join instructor Rahela Sami for an exploration of the bigger-picture techniques that will keep you moving with purpose throughout a section.
Difficulty: 3-5 Stars
Pace: 6-10 Questions
Join us daily for everyone's favorite LSAT subject... reading comprehension! Each day introduces a new passage, scaling from 1-star passages on Mondays to challenging 5-star passages on Fridays.
Difficulty: 3 Star
Pace: 1 Passage
Join us daily for everyone's favorite LSAT subject... reading comprehension! Each day introduces a new passage, scaling from 1-star passages on Mondays to challenging 5-star passages on Fridays.
Difficulty: 3 Star
Pace: 1 Passage
With a double portion of LR guaranteed every test, the Logical Reasoning section is more important than ever! Mondays through Wednesdays will feature questions of average difficulty, while Thursdays and Fridays will feature the most challenging questions the test has to offer.
Difficulty: 2-4 Stars
Pace: 4-7 Questions
With a double portion of LR guaranteed every test, the Logical Reasoning section is more important than ever! Mondays through Wednesdays will feature questions of average difficulty, while Thursdays and Fridays will feature the most challenging questions the test has to offer.
Difficulty: 2-4 Stars
Pace: 4-7 Questions
Are comparative passages tripping you up? We’ll help you demystify the process using 7Sage’s comparative strategy. After reading the passages one at a time on your own, we’ll take a collaborative approach to the questions: students will state their case for each answer choice and the class will vote to decide what to keep and what to eliminate. You’ll leave this class feeling like a comparative passage pro!
Pace: 1 comparative passage
Difficulty: 1-5 stars