Posts Tagged ‘Difficulty: Moderate’
Do you find yourself running out of time when completing an LR section? Even getting a question correct can be costly if it takes extra time that should've gone to other questions. This class moves at a faster pace, with an emphasis on strong timing habits and strategies. Each class will focus on a different question type, offering specific strategies to improve speed.
Difficulty: 2-4 Stars
Pace: Fast! 10-12 Questions
When the clock is ticking, high-scorers don't always have a perfect grasp of the stimulus- but they can still get to the right answer through elimination! This class highlights important answer choice features that can help you eliminate wrong answers with confidence.
You’ll do the first two questions as a class. After that, you’ll get 2-3 minutes to attempt each question on your own before reviewing and discussing your choices as a class.
Difficulty: 3-5 stars
Pace: 5-7 Questions
When the clock is ticking, high-scorers don't always have a perfect grasp of the stimulus- but they can still get to the right answer through elimination! This class highlights important answer choice features that can help you eliminate wrong answers with confidence.
You’ll do the first two questions as a class. After that, you’ll get 2-3 minutes to attempt each question on your own before reviewing and discussing your choices as a class.
Difficulty: 3-5 stars
Pace: 5-7 Questions
Sufficient and necessary conditions are some of the most common logical elements encountered in logical reasoning. Easily confused with each other and often unintuitive, they can make for some truly hard SA and NA questions! This class will cover the concepts and strategies that are essential for effectively navigating both question types.
Difficulty: 2-5 stars
Pace: 5-7 Questions
It’s all about teamwork in this LR challenge! When over half the class nails a question in the anonymous poll, we ascend to the next level of difficulty. If we miss the mark, we reset and keep working together at the current level until we’re ready to rise. Let’s climb the ladder—together!
Question Difficulty: 1-5 stars
Pace: 5-6 questions per class
It’s all about teamwork in this LR challenge! When over half the class nails a question in the anonymous poll, we ascend to the next level of difficulty. If we miss the mark, we reset and keep working together at the current level until we’re ready to rise. Let’s climb the ladder—together!
Question Difficulty: 1-5 stars
Pace: 5-6 questions per class
The closely related Parallel Reasoning and Parallel Flaw question types are often regarded as the most difficult and time consuming of the LR types. They don't have to be! This class will cover key concepts and strategies that will help you navigate parallel reasoning with accuracy and confidence.
Difficulty: 3-5 Stars
Pace: 4-8 questions
A significant portion of a typical LR section is made up of Weaken, Strengthen, and Evaluate questions. These three closely-related question types all ask us: what would tip the scales for an argument? Sharpen your skills while exploring the important similarities and differences between them!
Difficulty: 3-5 Stars
Pace: 3-5 Questions
Both MSS and MBT questions ask us to evaluate inferences- what can be validly drawn for the stimulus, and are all valid inferences equally valid? This class will explore the significant similarities and differences between the two classes, with an emphasis on the tips and strategies best applied when you encounter a question of either type on the test.
Difficulty: 3-5 Stars
Pace: 4-6 Questions
Join us daily for everyone's favorite LSAT subject... reading comprehension! Each day introduces a new passage, scaling from 1-star passages on Mondays to challenging 5-star passages on Fridays.
Difficulty: 3 Star
Pace: 1 Passage