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Printing PT

J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
in General 575 karma

Where exactly can we print the PTs that are available to print? I'm trying to print every LG 1-40 after going through the LG CC again. I have PDFs, but they are older and have the LGs on one page...I would like to be practicing with two-page LGs.


  • AllezAllez21AllezAllez21 Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    1917 karma

    The LG bundle can be found at the bottom of the core curriculum on the syllabus page, if you have Ultimate+. It's just after the LR Drills, and just before the section "Resources for taking simulated LSATs."

  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    575 karma

    @AllezAllez21 thanks!

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