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logic game timing

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
edited January 2015 in February 2015 LSAT 578 karma
Even though I went with a different prep company than 7sage, I learned how to do the games faster from 7sage. However, I am still struggling with timing. It's takes me 9-14 minutes to do one game whether it's easy or not. One game used to take me the whole 35 minutes so I am improving but I don't know if I am doing this the right way. Here is how I do it:
First I'll do the game by timing myself
Then I watch how 7sage did it and see if Jay made any inferences that I didn't make. Usually it's the same inferences but he does 1 or 2 things differently when starting off the game which makes the time difference between how I do it and Jay does it.
So I try to redo the game again using the same way Jay set up the game which does reduce the time but then I go onto a new game using what I learned from 7sage and the same trouble again with timing. Ugh what am I doing wrong?


  • rmphillips1985rmphillips1985 Alum Member
    4 karma
    sounds to me like you've made tremendous progress going from 35 minutes to 9-14 minutes. I would keep doing the problems over and over until the timing you want becomes second nature. If you've made that much progress then you'll likely keep improving with practice.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
    578 karma
    But am I doing the right thing by repeating the game right after I watch 7sage? I usually don't watch the whole video. I'll stop the video after he makes the inferences, try to redo the game myself using his inferences, then go back and watch the rest of the 7sage video.
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I would do the game yourself. And then watch the full video, make sure you understand it and how he reached his inferences, and re do the game again. If you still don't understand, repeat. Watch the full video, make sure you understand it, and re do. Repeat until you can do the whole thing by yourself. And then leave it. Come back to it the next day and re do it. If you can do it perfectly, great. If you can't. Repeat the above again.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Free Trial
    578 karma
    Thanks @harris. I kinda do what you wrote but not exactly like that so I will do it like how you explained && see what happens.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    I don't think I have ever seen JY be referred to as Jay O.o lol anyways, as suggested, do a game, Watch the full video, do it again. Then come back to it the next day and repeat. Don't spend a whole day doing one game. Get it in, learn how to do it, try again and give urself a break from the game and move to the next one and just get back to it the next day or so to see how much of the inference making you retained
  • Alum Member
    463 karma
    Again, I was about to post this exact question. I took the LSAT in September but I am preparing for a retake probably in June. I trying to start my prep work from scratch. I took the June 2007 PT this weekend for an additional diagnostic and to see where I am at after taking a few months off. It seems like my biggest issue on LG is timing as well. I can never get to all 4 games but only got 4 wrong on BR in the LG section. To me that is major progress. I just need to work on my timing through practice and any tweaks needed in my LG reasoning will, I think, come along with it. LR is another story. But I will get there. I can already see improvement with 7Sage.
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