PT12.S1.Q01 - Inhabitable Mars

ang_whitlockang_whitlock Core Member
edited January 2021 in Logical Reasoning 42 karma

Why is the main point (D) "research effort" and not (A) it is probably technologically possible to alter the climate?


  • kilgoretroutkilgoretrout Alum Member
    795 karma

    wow, how rude of them to make the first question of the section a 4 star one.

    i would say its D because every other sentence in the stimulus supports that in some way. keep in mind it's a main point/main CONCLUSION question, so you need to find the statement that has the most support. the first two sentences support it (granted, the second sentence about temples more so supports the first one, but the first one can be a subconclusion/major premise). research efforts are justified because it is possible for human technology to alter the climate of mars. if you try to flip it the other way around, and say that it is technologically possible for humans to alter the climate of mars because research efforts now are justified, that doesn't make sense.

  • ang_whitlockang_whitlock Core Member
    42 karma

    Thanks! I think what helped most was asking "why?" at the end of each answer and seeing which one is most answered by the passage.

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