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confused :/

fatmaalazazifatmaalazazi Member
in General 127 karma

If you go to "LSAT questions" then "Drills", there are two labels under the logic game category called "grouping with sequencing" and "sequencing with grouping". Is there a difference between them?


  • Paula --Student Service--Paula --Student Service-- Member Administrator Student Services
    848 karma

    Hi @fatmaalazazi ,

    Sorry for any confusion.

    They're quite the same though there is a fuzzy line between them.

    Sequencing with Grouping - These are sequencing games (the major pieces have to be arranged in order) with a grouping element. For example, a game where you have to arrange a group of doctor's appointments in order (while also tracking whether each one is a "Neurologist" or "Pediatrist" appointment) would be a "Sequencing with Grouping" game.

    Grouping with Sequencing - These are grouping games (the major pieces have to be arranged into multiple groups) with a sequencing element. A game where you have to decide which of 3 art collectors purchased a painting (while keeping the order the painting were made in mind) would be a "Grouping with Sequencing" game.

    Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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