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When Do You Guys Use Lawgic Notation? (LR)

GetItDone91GetItDone91 Core Member

Hi Friends!

I'm wondering when I should use the lawgic notation vs when not to use it.. sometimes it's less challenging for me to rely on intuition + general understanding than to draw the relationships.. and the thing is that often times by the time I figure out that I need to use lawgic - it's already too late and I need to pass over to the next question..

any thoughts??



  • sucralosedaddysucralosedaddy Alum Member
    310 karma

    I used to use it all the time but I find I use it less and less as time goes on. Mostly I use it now it on difficult Q20+ that are MBT, MBF, Para or if I have to re-read a Question I'll use its as a form of notes and tracking the ideas in my head.

    Although I will still use it for eliminating and checking ACs just to make sure the suff and ness are in the right place.

  • GetItDone91GetItDone91 Core Member
    12 karma

    Thanks my man! but do you find it that you have time to do all of that in like 1:30mins?

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