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Crash Course on Logic Translations

ReynoldsReynolds Live Member

Hi. Its been over a year since I first went through the LR part of the 7Sage Curriculum and I have taken time away from studying in the interim. I am going to take the LSAT again to try to up my score, as I've taken a few PTs recently and scored 2-5 points higher than I used to score, consistently - trying to get every last scholarship dollar available.

I've spent most of my time since resuming studying working on LGs, but recently as I've started to work on grouping and in/out LGs, I've realized that I need some help going back over translating words into logic language, especially when dealing with negations, negative, or double negatives. Could someone point me to where in the 7Sage Curiculum I could get a quick crash course on logic translations for "or", "not both", and just basic logic translations to get me back on track as quickly as possible. I'm hoping to get back on track rather quickly and knock this (hopefully) final attempt of the LSAT out of the park.

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