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Any Chicago people interested in doing group study online or in person?

meshalfatima030meshalfatima030 Free Trial Member
in Study Groups 6 karma

My insta is Meshalf2803. My goal is to get atleast 170+ and I am looking for people where we can study together either online or in person. Please if you are interested dm me.


  • llinkatollinkato Live Member
    5 karma

    Hi Meshal, my name is Muna and I am in the Chicago area looking for a study buddy! I will DM you on insta!

  • Tisha BrahmbhattTisha Brahmbhatt Live Member
    18 karma

    I am in the Chicago area. Just getting the foundation in CC V2 completed. I will add you on insta.

  • HannahParksHannahParks Core Member
    11 karma

    I am in chicago! Living in the hyde park area and down to study together :) dm me

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