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Down to 2 AC's in LR, pattern of always picking the WRONG AC over the right AC

youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member

hey all

so i've been noticing a trend where for every LR section, there are about 2-4 questions where I'm down to 2 AC's (a wrong AC and the right AC), and I often pick the wrong AC over the right AC.

This is very frustrating because sometimes I feel like I'm just rolling the dice between the 2 AC's (and that I was so close to getting the right AC). Any advice or suggestion to deal with this?

I think perhaps I should just get in a habit of skipping these questions once I'm down to 2 AC's, and then try to come back to them?

The challenge is I often have other questions (like 2 or 3) that I had no idea how to do and I completely skipped that I return to do during round 2, and then don't have enough time to review these questions where I was just down to 2 AC's.

So for priority for Round 2...

Should I

Plan A:
1. First go and redo questions I completely skipped and had no idea how to do?
2. Then go back to questions I was just down to 2 AC's and increase confidence level to pick one?

Plan B:

  1. First go back to questions I was just down to 2 AC's and increase confidence level to pick one?
  2. Then go and redo questions I completely skipped and had no idea how to do?

The challenge is that often the 1st step in each plan takes a solid amount of time, and I run out of time to fully do the 2nd step.

Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    Either approach A or B depending on where you think you’ll get the most value. You’ve increased your odds of guessing correct to 50% so unless you think you can increase those odds in a short period of time I would go to the other questions that you were even more stumped by.
    Make sure you review so you can figure out for yourself why you chose one answer choice or neglected to eliminate an incorrect answer choice. Review will help you answer those types of questions with more accuracy and speed eventually.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Are you missing them in BR too? If so then you need to figure out why.

    There's a seminar on this that I found really helpful:

  • youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member
    1755 karma

    thanks for following up!

    No - I'm not missing them in BR. In BR, I am usually able to figure out the right AC. The challenge is under timed conditions. I would need like maybe another 1-2 minutes at that question to increase my confidence level between those 2 AC's and to ultimately pick the right AC.

    The challenge is I don't have those few extra minutes under timed conditions.

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