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Webinar: Utilizing 7Sage's Score Report To Study Effectively

Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
edited January 2022 in Webinars 4582 karma

Hi 7Sagers!

On Thursday, January 6, at 9:00 PM ET, we'll be hosting a webinar about using the 7sage score report tool to diagnose your errors.
We'll take a look at real student score reports and show you common issues to address in each one.

:warning: You’ll have to register for this webinar in advance.

Everyone is welcome to join, but this webinar will be geared more towards students who are finished with the core curriculum and are currently taking preptests or timed sections.

:cookie: After the webinar, we’ll award one attendee with a free hour of LSAT tutoring. We'll pick the winners by lottery. Check out our tutoring program here:

:warning: The webinar will be recorded, and we may post it on our site or on YouTube. We may also share the audio on our podcast.

→ Please register for the webinar here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you want to ask a question, you should connect via a computer instead of calling in. We also recommend that you join the webinar a few minutes early and test your microphone.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here. Happy holidays everyone!

The recording of the webinar is available on Youtube


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