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Is anyone else taking the February LSAT?

SailormercurySailormercury Free Trial Member
I originally signed up for October, but that's just not happening anymore. So I decided to sit out this cycle and study hard throughout the winter. Anyone else considering the February LSAT? Just created a schedule up until the end of January, and would love to connect with others to keep each other accountable.


  • MConner16MConner16 Member
    78 karma
    I am planning on it. I'm in the middle of the curriculum right now. I think my schedule is up until 2 days before test day.
  • Sean_333Sean_333 Member
    48 karma
  • SailormercurySailormercury Free Trial Member
    40 karma
    I'm glad there are others! How many PTs do you all plan to take in total?
  • MConner16MConner16 Member
    78 karma
    At least the 23 in my course. You?
  • SailormercurySailormercury Free Trial Member
    40 karma
    I'll probably take around 24ish also, depends on when I start studying again
  • SeriousbirdSeriousbird Alum Member
    1278 karma
    I'm planning for December, this is my backup plan if I'm not ready in time. I'm really hoping I don't join this group lol
  • Citygirl-1-1Citygirl-1-1 Core Member
    120 karma
    Me and a friends will love to connect. I am free all weekends starting August 29th.
  • splitterhopefulsplitterhopeful Alum Member
    340 karma
    Wish I could. I really could use that much time... but I just can't wait another year. And from all I've heard February is too late to be competitive in admissions for this cycle. So I will skip it unless I'm waitlisted somewhere and I think it might help.
  • legally_chelslegally_chels Alum Member
    206 karma
    I plan on taking the DEC LSAT. However, if i'm not scoring in the 165+ range by the October 30th deadline to sign up for the test, then i'm going to sign up for the FEB LSAT instead. We can all still help each other regardless of test dates!
  • Citygirl-1-1Citygirl-1-1 Core Member
    120 karma
    That is my plan as well. But I am not sure I am ready to apply this cycle.
  • MConner16MConner16 Member
    78 karma
    I have done 3 pts so far with a gain each time. I plan on taking two more this weekend. How is everyone else progressing?
  • StopLawyingStopLawying Alum Member
    821 karma
    Taking Feb LSAT also and applying next cycle. Really wanted to apply for the upcoming year but realized it wouldn't be worth it to settle for a lower LSAT score and go to a worse school. Goal is 170+. In my opinion the Feb LSAT is great to take if you're a first time taker. Say you take June and screw up. Then you have the October test to worry about + applications. With Feb LSAT you have in June to retake and all summer long to work on applications and still get them in early.
  • lsatingslsatings Alum Member
    349 karma
    I'm currently registered for the December 2015 LSAT, would absolutely love to hit 170+ but if I'm not hitting about 167+ by the end of October, then I'm going to have to find a way to take it in February instead. It's a little discouraging -- I've already taken two years off of undergrad and do not want to keep taking time off. but id rather go to a top school than a lower ranked one. All my application materials including letters of recommendation are ready: i just am waiting on that score so there is some discouragement there. Is anyone else facing pressure from parents about taking this test sooner rather than later? I know if I take it in Feb I'll be totally ready, but will barely make it in time for December (and I am dealing with a lot of burn out). Feedback?
  • eddySH84eddySH84 Member
    39 karma
    Is'int Feb too late for fall 2016 admissions ? if it is, then why feb and why not June ?
  • jimenezja.jjjimenezja.jj Alum Member
    187 karma
    @eddySH84 February is not too late some schools even take the June exam. But would advise you to reach out to your school directly.
  • slizzardslizzard Member
    105 karma
    Same situation here as @splitter -- i am finishing curriculum today, starting to test tomorrow. Pacifico told me that in order for me to test efficiently i should probably only take 2-3 tests a week and BR extensively. That leaves me with at most 20 tests until December 5. So I am just going to see what i am scoring around the end of this month and decide then if I want to sit out for December and take February instead. It's difficult to know what the right thing is because my question is: will law schools still take my application seriously in february? is that too late to still get accepted into top schools? part of me says yes, they will likely consider me more if i have a higher LSAT and wait it out in December, but also part of me says will i miss out on financial aid or scholarships from lesser-than but still awesome law schools by me waiting until February to give LSAC a score ... What do you guys think?

    I've been out of undergrad for 4 years now, and have a masters degree, BUT this test is the only thing holding me back from my goal of applying this year (i also had a goal of applying last year but my job as a paralegal was soul-sucking and time-sucking). I have all my rec letters in, etc. and even moved from NYC back to my parents house in Texas 2.5 months ago, so that my job could be to solely study! Living in NY was a huge reason for why I wasn't able to commit 100% while trying to financially stay afloat (aka have a job) Haha. I am so envious of my brother at times because he is one of these unicorn people who took 5 practice tests, went to take the lsat and scored 172. For us non-unicorns, but still exemplary people who are not natural test-takers but have other amazing characteristics... let's just keep each other feeling positive! Hard work pays off and we are getting our shit done! i am down to study and/or talk about all of this with yall. It's nice to air this out here and not have to listen to my parents tell me my clock is ticking.. both my lsat clock and my fertility clock... lol. im not kidding. my mom is deeply concerned about when/if her grandchildren are coming someday. happy studying!
  • lsatingslsatings Alum Member
    349 karma
    @slizzard I am in the exact same situation! I would love to take it in December, get a high score, and submit applications by January. I have everything completed, just like you, and quit my soul sucking legal administrative assistant/law clerk job, moved home, and just have been studying non stop so that I could take the exam in December and then reenter the work force. I don't want to keep taking time off before law school, but I also know that this test can make or break my future career, income, employability, etc so its important for me to get a high score, and is well worth the sacrifice now.

    Here is how I am reasoning it -- (in response to you @eddySH84 as well), right now my priority is not only taking the LSAT and receiving a high score, but also to get into a top law school. If I get a high score in December, but do not get into the schools I would generally like to this cycle, then I am going to reapply next fall with all my application materials completed and ready to go. If I have to push back the December LSAT and invariably miss a lot of crucial law school deadlines, I'd rather take the February LSAT because 1 it is closer, and the sooner I take it the sooner I can go back to working and 2 I am gradually running out of LSAT materials and I can't imagine postponing it to June and still having things to study/prep with, without needing to space things out so much that I forget/lower my score 3 I would definitely be ready by then. So, there is a strategy behind taking the sooner date, even though June would give me more time to prep.

    I'm currently also applying to Fulbright, and would pursue the opportunity if accepted. However, my ideal situation would be to get accepted (sans wait-list so that I can defer if Fulbright is an opportunity that I am accepted into), and just forget about this whole thing, go back to working etc. But like @slizzard, I'm going to take a practice test at the end of the month and then go from there. I have the cambridge drill packets that I've been using (which eat up tests 1-38) and then all the PTs with explanations for tests 1-75, so I'll just be using tests 39-75 to prep after I finish my drill packets/strategy books. Good luck everyone!
  • ILaw2015ILaw2015 Alum Member
    5 karma
    I plan to take Feb. LSAT
  • edited October 2015 121 karma
    @splitter @slizzard @eddySH84 I am also in the similar shoes. I was studying hard the last 2 months but got offered a job starting Oct. 1st I didn't want to turn down which through everything out of wack because I was planning on taking the Dec LSAT. Not I'm not sure if I should just sign up for Dec and take it and if goes well than good and if not than fuck it, just take it again or whether I should just wait. But if I do wait, should I wait for Feb. or June? Because the June test is SOOO much better than the Feb. test. The Feb. test does not get released and you can't see where you didn't do well on and it is likely on a cold winter morning while the June LSAT is released and administer at noon. But a large part of me just wants to be done with this damn test. I know, I know, I should think like that but a 50ish hour a week job and heavy studying is exhausting and I scared I will burn out by June.
  • aaro.nj1aaro.nj1 Alum Member
    10 karma
    yeah i'm taking the feb. LSAT, I was planning on the October LSAT but i wanted to give myself some necessary preparation time before the test itself.
  • CastruccioCastruccio Member
    29 karma
    I am taking the February LSAT. I was originally enrolled in the Testmasters 3 month online program, which is scheduled to end with the December LSAT. Since finding 7sage, however, I rescheduled to the February LSAT. It cost me $90 to reschedule.
  • lsatingslsatings Alum Member
    349 karma
    @markariangeorge my friend is going through very much of the same situation. She has been studying for this test for about 2 months now, working 40 hours a week, and commuting about 3 hours (round trip) per day. By the time she gets home, studying for the test is unrealistic because of how tired she is. But, she understands that a higher score is the goal here. Yet, at the same time, she wants to start law school in fall 2016 and wants to just get the test over with already.

    Here's what I told her, it might help you too --
    be careful about settling. What you're feeling now is only temporary. You're frustrated, tired, you want to move on with your life, and quite frankly you've grown sick of the test, which is entirely understandable. However, the score you get on this test affects which schools you can get into, and the school you go to can have permanent career and financial consequences. The LSAT is hard, but as 7sage and many other companies have told us, law school is harder. If you're struggling with maintaining endurance to merely study for the LSAT now, then maybe law school isn't for you.

    Or, maybe it is. Maybe you're just bogged down with the frustrations of being overworked. But I want to remind you to keep your eye on the prize. Just keep studying. Take the June LSAT, I think it would be better for you. That way, you can study for about 6 hours-10 hours a week, and be ready for the test by June. That way, if you need to retake, you have the October 2016 exam, and you have that entire summer to work on your applications.

    Don't take the exam assuming you'll retake. Take the exam with the idea in mind that you only want to take it once, and you want to do well enough that you get it over with.
  • 121 karma
    Great advice @splitter ! Thanks!
  • SailormercurySailormercury Free Trial Member
    edited October 2015 40 karma
    Hey all, I took a hiatus from studying but I'm back at it now, prepping hard for February. also, @markariangeorge I also work full time, tutor once a week, and commute 3 hrs in total. It sucks but it's doable -- you just have to be strict and give yourself at least a day or two of nonstudying to stay sane.

    And that's pretty much why I pushed my LSAT date back to February and am sitting out this cycle. @slizzard I've also been out of school for four years now/already have a masters so we're kind of in the same situation! But honestly, I think its worth it to take more time off (if needed) to get as best the best score possible. Good luck everyone!
  • slizzardslizzard Member
    105 karma
    @Sailormercury @splitter @markariangeorge @eddySH84 and all others considering or taking Feb LSAT - please let me know if yall want to BR together on timed tests - not sure where everyone is in curriculum but if our schedules align - i think it would be great to just go through PTs with each other and keep positive.. also, i look like a crazy person talking to myself at the library, so it'd be nice if i had others to talk to about answer choices sometimes.. haha
  • StopLawyingStopLawying Alum Member
    821 karma
    @slizzard taking February and would be interested in doing BR together
  • edited October 2015 121 karma
    @slizzard @StopLawying
    how far in the curriculum are you? Very interested though.
  • lsatingslsatings Alum Member
    edited October 2015 349 karma
    @slizzard how far are you in the PT's? I'm using tests 1-38 to drill, and tests 39-75 to practice timing, etc. I'm still in the drilling phase of my studying but would be interested in possibly doing BR together once I get to the PTs.

    EDIT: I should also add that I'm aiming to take the December LSAT, but will push back to February if my score is not where I need it to be by the end of October. Would rather take the December exam more than anything though.
  • SailormercurySailormercury Free Trial Member
    40 karma
    @slizzard that sounds like a great idea. I'm actually not doing the 7sage curriculum but would be interested in blind review. I just took my first timed PT (49) this sunday and will go over the test tonight to see where I'm weakest. I'll also probably start drilling this weekend or next. (I clearly haven't planned much) But let me know where you're at/what you think!

  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    edited October 2015 1762 karma
    Hopefully I sit for Feb. I'm 90 percent finished with the curriculum (whew) i'm almost ready to start pting and see where I stand. Lets skype=)
  • slizzardslizzard Member
    105 karma
    I am on an interesting schedule that I just started, we will see how it goes. @Sailormercury @splitter @nanchito @StopLawying @markariangeorge. I am about take PT 37 and I will take PT 38 on Friday.

    As of Sunday, I started trying to take 2-3 PTs a week M/W/F and then doing Pacifico's logic games attack strategy T/TH/ST, which leaves me extra time to blind review the day of and day after each timed test I take. This also leaves Sunday for me to review anything that I need to again from the previous week, look over weaknesses, and retake the Logic Games PTs from Saturday for the 2nd time as Pacifico's attack strategy mentions.

    I am down to BR anytime for tests after I take them or to BR for logic games for those of you who are also drilling LGs. I just want to add that even if I've already taken a PT and BRed it, I would enjoy sitting on a Skype call to review it again for those of you who take it later bc I know the importance of talking things out, so I am free to float.

    Also, I think it's really helpful for everyone if we exclude talking about our test scores when we BR and just focus on going deep into analysis of the stimuluses, questions, and answer choices. I took a Stratus Prep intensive course in NY a couple summers ago (what a joke) and once (literally once), I agreed to attend a test review and ended up feeling worse when I left than I did when I entered. It was mainly because others were more interested in comparing scores and proving each other wrong than actually just working together to review the "why" in what questions were missed. Since then, I've been a bit apprehensive to work with others mainly because I don't need anything else fucking w my head haha this test has given me enough anxiety to last a lifetime. So, if you agree and want to start hitting the BRing, let me know what you're doing and we can try to coordinate either in this discussion forum or in my inbox.
  • MConner16MConner16 Member
    78 karma
    I would love to join a BR group. I can do just about any evening (ET), I'm currently doing 2 PT a week, just finishing up 41 tonight.
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Would you guys like me to set up a schedule of BR groups more copacetic with Feb test takers? It’s no problem since I’ve got the apparatus in place.
  • SailormercurySailormercury Free Trial Member
    40 karma
    yes @DumbHollywoodActor that would be helpful!
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited October 2015 7468 karma
    Ok. Unless people suggest otherwise, I’ll use the same structure as the other groups : Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 8pm EST. Sound good?
  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    Yes please @DumbHollywoodActor, that would be awesome.
  • jimenezja.jjjimenezja.jj Alum Member
    187 karma
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    Here’s a link to tentative schedule: Let me know what you think
  • slizzardslizzard Member
    105 karma
    @DumbHollywoodActor thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!
  • MConner16MConner16 Member
    78 karma
    I am good with it. I know I should at least be able to make two a week.
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    I am going to be joing you guys in Feb. test prep. I noted this in another thread but starting at 8 PM is perfect for me and those who work full-time. Time to continue kicking ass!
  • LN_MacaroniLN_Macaroni Member
    7 karma
    I'm also taking the Feb LSAT. My original plan was to take it in June or October and to apply next year but I realized that there isn't anything holding me back from applying this year other than this exam. I only registered for a full course a few weeks ago and I'm decently into the curriculum. Since I quit my job, I have plenty of time to study. My only concern is that I don't want to stress myself out too much getting my applications together so late in the game. But I figure that if I don't manage to get the score I want in February, I can always return to my original plan, re-take it in June and apply next year.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @"LN_Macaroni" said:
    I realized that there isn't anything holding me back from applying this year other than this exam.
    Haha ... yes ... Well, I suppose whether this is feasible depends on 2 questions: what's your goal score and what was your diagnostic?

    Don't rush it ... Unicorns (165+ diagnostic) are a bit of a different story ...
  • I am ! But I think I may move mine to JUNE working full time and studying has been a process
  • lauren88lauren88 Member
    10 karma
    Adding myself to this list! I'm planning to take the LSAT in February. Hopefully I'll be able to get in all the practice I need by then, otherwise I'll be sitting for June as well.
  • amyrussellamyrussell Member
    20 karma
    I am planning to take it in February as well. Working full time (2 jobs) and studying has been very difficult. (I have been out of college for 25 years)... I have not yet gotten to the end of the curriculum. I plan to spend the month of January doing PTs. Please let me know if any of you on this thread want to connect to study somehow together.
  • mgw_4mgw_4 Alum Member
    16 karma
    I am taking it! I was just reading through the DEC LSAT discussion and they were all talking about the "experimental" section.. what does that mean? I haven't heard of that..
  • kennedybjkennedybj Alum Member
    697 karma
    @mgw_4 on the real LSAT, there are 5 sections. However only 4 of those are actually scored. There are always 2 LR sections,1 RC and 1 LG that are scored. So in October I had 2 LG sections so I knew one of my LG was experimental. For December I had 2 RC so I knew one of them was experimental. Hope this helps!
  • mgw_4mgw_4 Alum Member
    16 karma
    @kennedybj Yes!! Thank you! Gosh that kinda sucks. I'm sure the one that doesn't count will be the one I really excel on! Haha
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