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Nathalie Nguyen


Nathalie Nguyen
Last Active


  • Thanks! I am going to need as much luck as I can absorb lol
  • I'm extremely nervous. I'm going to use tomorrow to relax and calm down before I walk into the room to take the test. Meh.
  • I would definitely research more. Paralegal programs are costly and you're better off without if if you're still considering law. Tuition here in CA from an ABA accredited institution runs about $16,000- $8,000 (non ABA). I think after the experienc…
  • I was a paralegal without a certificate. Depends on the firm. Mine taught me everything to be a paralegal in their business, but if I went somewhere else the expectations might be different.
  • When I went to a conference about applying to law school and its application process - they talked a little bit about wait listing. The things they mentioned were although the school asks for two letters of rec, sometimes if you call them, you may s…
  • When I first started out... I tried to study after work hours, but my brain wasn't absorbing any information. After talking to J.Y. he told me I should be getting up early. And because I was studying so early on in the game.. I also needed to pace m…
  • I work 40 hour weeks so for me... I study first thing when I get up for about an hour to hour and a half... at lunch for an hour during my break and after work for an hour depending on how my brain is. On the weekends, I study a lot more aggressivel…
  • Don't waste your money on Powerscore. I literally had to revert all my thinking when I converted to 7sage. And 7sage has helped me tremendously that I wish I had found it sooner than later. And its affordable. Win win.
  • I took the course alongside using the books and it was the worst mistake I could make. Not only did I spend a ridiculous amount of money. but they complicated things in my brain even more. I started fresh with 7sage and honestly its way better than …
  • I probably should start thinking about a back up plan. I think if I didn't become an attorney, I'd probably do some consulting work for the political sector (my other passion) or maybe even fall into a non-profit. My passion and interest lies solely…
  • There's a button at the button... it looks like a speaker with a cursor. Make sure thats scrolled on. that happened to me and I was like oh silly me should've turned it on duh!
  • Ah this gives me much hope! I scored a 135 first time around diagnostic never opening a book. So much hope for me. lol Congrats! That's awesome!
  • I took Powerscore also and was not ready when the class ended. I actually withdrew my application to take the December LSAT and now I'm studying through here. I plan on taking the test in June 2014. So I hear ya! This is way better than Powerscore. …
  • Congratulations! This gives me great relief because I was a former student of Powerscore and I've been lurking here at 7sage, trying to find when am I going to give in... probably now lol. But this is great ! Congrats again!
  • Nilesh- Thanks for your comments. I appreciate them. I think you're right about taking the test when I'm ready. I think it's always the pressure that gets the best of us. I plan on studying intensively to the best of my ability from now until perhap…