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  • basically was premed, worked in the medical field and saw just how much crap happens behind closed doors and how unnecessarily expensive everything is (lost a parent to malpractice as well). Realized doctors have zero power over the system they work…
  • more isn't necessarily better. Better is better. In my opinion and from my strategy, I simply started from around exam 20 and just started taking the timed tests, BR and repeat, all the way until I get to the new exams. I took the exams sequentially…
  • lsatcantwin is absolutely correct. I've been at this test for about a year and a half now, going to take my first attempt this december. When i started, i was around 148 on my first practice test, now on my worst days I still score in the 160's. It …
  • the blind review process at first will make you question everything. But what really does help in the long run is being so familiar with the wrong answer choices you know when you are being played into a trap. When you take the exams you should be m…
  • You definitely can get that score you want! You should do and blind review and take at least 30 tests in my opinion before you can have a gauge of where you really stand as far as LSAT aptitude. Finishing the core curriculum is great, but really the…
  • Texas A&M is very low in rankings but has a top 10 patent law program nationally. So really as has been said multiple times already, the right school is where you will be your best. It doesn't really help to go to a T14 and be at the bottom of y…
  • Push back your test to February ? In my honest opinion 3 exams is not a very safe bet to gauge your performance nor is it anywhere near your true scoring potential. I have been advised from my pre-law advisor, many other sources and learned from my …
  • Your major matters as well. Low GPA with a humanities, polysci, or business majors are usually expected to be higher than a STEM major. There are also differences between similar majors such as chemistry vs biology with chemistry yielding an even lo…
  • Honestly, you have 3ish options. 1) get someone else to pay for it. Basically this is the best way. Get a rich family member to help you. not so fortunate? then join the struggle bus. Study your ass off and get a 175 on your LSAT. pretty much guar…
  • If anything it will hurt you. there are only so many tests and so much practice material, if you exhaust all of those long before your exam you most likely won't do as well as if you just waited till mid sophomore or junior year. BUUUUUUT if you wan…
  • Numbers do not lie, however they may not always represent the truth. The fact of the matter is that most of our academic institutions assign merit on a very narrow set of criteria, namely grade point averages or standardized testing. Now granted, by…
  • Seems like anxiety is getting you. You are still scoring in the top 8-9% so with that in mind, not sure how close you are to your test day, but you should take a few breaths and relax. If you can finish arguments with consistent -1 -2 there is reall…
  • A couple things... so I have taken 15 prep tests and scored 3 in the 170's (171 171 and a 172) all full length, bubble sheet, and with the LSAT 5 section proctor from 7sage (so they were fair). with that being said... my average score is 167 and I a…