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Ben Schnell


Ben Schnell
Last Active


  • Of course!
  • As long as you worked hard and got close to what you wanted and what you're capable of, that's all thats important. And @rachelHaw, since you specifically gave your score, you're luckily at the top of the echelon. The difference between 173 to 178 …
  • My diagnostic was 145. Got a 156 in December 2013 with little prep. Started prepping pretty seriously November 2014 - February test via 7sage and got a 163. A little disappointed - my prep tests were 160-170, and I think I scored around my average, …
  • Here's what I did while working. I get an hour for lunch and I still need to eat, but within that hour I always gave myself 35 minutes to do a logic games section. I quickly got done all of them. When you're done? Start over. Logic games are perfect…
  • I hate waiting I wrote a year ago and I didnt take it serious enough. I was nervous, of course, for my score, but not like this time. I'm checking LSAT boards every day (here, reddit, TLS) to see if people can say something about the Feb test. I fo…
  • The logic games are lawgic, and I always use it there. You have to. Beyond that, once every test or so on an LR question there will be an assumption question that has a chain of 3-4 different relationships. I think you need to be safe and lawgic tha…
  • To answer, if you review your PTs, you'll never necessarily plateau. Each question is different but each question type is generally the same and as you gain even more experience with the questions during PTs and review, at the very least, the wrong…
  • @Michaels I hear you about the RC. Its one of the hardest Ive seen in any test. I was extremely disappointed when I learned that that, and not my experimental, was the real one. More importantly, congrats on being done, and I hope the score is as …
  • I had the same pattern as everyone (so far) that did two reading comps. The first one was actually one of the easier RCs ive had, and the science passage, which is normally my worst, was quite easy on that one. The second set of passages was tough f…
  • I didn't realize everyone would be on different sections. The person next to me was working on Logic Games for his first section while mine was LR. It REALLY distracted me for the first minute or two.