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  • Yeah, I did every bit as bad as I thought I did. I too had a massive battle with anxiety during the test, and it cost me. Not going to bother writing again, though. I sacrificed too much time already to wait another year.
  • This course on informal logic is particularly useful for mastering the art of manipulating and understanding arguments.
  • Looks like a whole lot of us applying for fall may or may not have to write a very compelling addendum to our personal statements. I hate the LSAC.
  • Eww, Powerscore. Read it twice, and felt as though I didn't take away anything I didn't already know from taking my first preptest completely on my own devices. They really over complicate pretty much everything they attempt to teach.
  • @higdon37: We're on the same boat. Actually, that's pretty much the case with every respectable school. To make matters worse, I had to miss deadlines last year because of unforseen circumstances not involving the exam itself. Waiting two years for …
  • I'll just put it at this, I'm PRAYING for low 160's. My grades from undergrad are better than most, and I've no ambitions of attending Harvard or Yale, which I'd have had to have scored close to perfect to do any way.
  • Thanks for the inspiring words of reassurance @titanium. While I definitely do have my worries, and my doubts about exam day, much like any person who realizes the gravity of the repercussions that our performance can have on our future, I am going …
  • Thanks for the kind words, Al. I do know that there are hurdles to be overcome on the day of the exam, and that I will have to be at my absolute sharpest to finish at some points, particularly on the games, but I'm inspired by the journey I've had t…
  • I'm so nervous. Studying for this exam has been quite the struggle for me, and quite the unconventional experience compared to most other people writing the exam. I am a learning disabled student, have received accommodated tests throughout the enti…