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  • It is good to learn, memorize, and continually review the major flaws. However, a lot of the questions in the flaw family will have flaws that don't fall into one of those exact categories. So, it's good to be flexible in your thinking. When reading…
  • Getting faster has three parts: (1) using the right technique, (2) practicing that technique to where you are using it correctly and consistently, and (3) building up pattern recognition for the recurring elements on the test (e.g., flaws and types …
  • The wrong answer journal should include anything you get wrong in any practice you do, specifically for LR and RC. For LG, I didn't do a wrong answer journal, but I did similar work in a spreadsheet that I had for fool proofing logic games. For logi…
  • There's a lot to say here... (1) General approach: I read every stimulus with a skeptical and aggressive posture. I search first for the conclusion, then the support, and last the flaw or flawed assumption. If there is no conclusion (and thus no ar…
  • So, in a RRE problem, there are two phenomena (literally, things we can see/observe) that APPEAR contradictory (e.g., a paradox). We are looking for an answer choice that either could be a CAUSE of both things being true at the same time or some kin…
  • I studied for a total of 2 years combined. I worked full time and had a 1h 40m (mostly subway) commute into the city for the last year of my prep journey and worked full time and overtime for most of the time apart from that with the exception of a …
  • The 7Sage curriculum has them in one place. Additionally, if you read the PowerScore LRB, each question type has its own chapter with all the different question stem variations for that type. I made a flashcard with those on it and the right and wro…
  • Oh, dear lender to whom I was once greatly in debt for my undergraduate education, go study the basics of logic and learn how to identify premises and conclusions. Once you do that, main point questions are just identifying and paraphrasing the conc…
  • Is the test score within your current PT range? Then, don't worry about it, because variance is to be expected. If not, is it a one-time outlier fluke or a consistent downward trend? If it's a one-time outlier, then don't worry about it. If it's a c…
  • I have the same issue. First, in terms of your mentality toward the test, treat the practice test as practice and not an ego boost/confirmation. Try to do each question perfectly, but accept that you will probably make mistakes. When you do make mis…
  • These are very helpful as a reference. Thank you for sharing. Quick thing though, aren't 5 and 7 in the invalid forms identical? Is there a reason for repeating it in that slightly different form?
  • I strongly second sucralose's suggestion. I had a big problem with misreading a rule in LG and it was causing me to a lose a bunch of time or miss points. I now do exactly that and, if I do find a rule that eliminates 2 or more answers, I double che…
  • It's the same as the regular test. You make a ProctorU account and schedule it through their website.
  • I will add these points to the valid points others have made. For reference, my current PT range over the last 12 tests taken is 169-178 and I scored a 168 on my last official take in October. I was an idiot and didn't do my diagnostic the right way…
  • I second the request for this feature. It would be very helpful.