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  • Agreed, don't worry TOO much about timing just yet. Give yourself a fair buffer at first, but knowing how long it's taking you is good. If you start setting the harsh constraints too early you risk compromising the basic skills you need to get bette…
  • Indication of how unorganized it was. Maybe it's cause I've taken it before but they didn't even actually check us in, people were drinking coffee during the test. They fudged timing. We were about to begin the actual test and they noticed someone d…
  • So my testing center ended up making me more stressed than the test itself..they let in someone without a photo! But agreed, not entirely sure how I did, but looking back I don't think I could predict how well I did even on my best practice test. I'…
  • Omg, had a cockroach land ON MY DESK during the test. Guess this was the LSAT of cockroaches but so glad it's done.
  • Yeah I've seen people with like juice boxes in their bag so if you're fine with cold coffee, maybe consider one of the boxed or bottled ones as well. Also saw people with refillable water bottles so again, might wanna just check with your test cente…
  • Wow! Yeah, I definitely notice the tips for reading faster are helpful, and you'd think it would make retention harder but it actually makes it easier because you only make necessary marks, etc., less distracting
  • Meaning I was working 100 hours and had to study on top of that, didn't work out well! Now I've taken time off and devoted most of my time to studying. But, I have concentrated it quite a bit and devoted a lot of my hours over a shorter span of time…
  • I took a three month course from a big company, and also working 100-hour weeks for the last month of it and by the end, I scored the exact same as I had on my first diagnostic. While the techniques were good they weren't the best for me, I think it…
  • Whoops I think I meant to delete this. I did have a specific question, but I've managed to start hitting 170 on PTs. It took a while to get there from 166-169. Good luck to all!