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Anyone able to share insights on William & Mary?

palexandrapalexandra Alum Member
in General 148 karma
Feel free to delete if this is not allowed.

I was recently accepted to W&M Law with a decent scholarship after applying with a fee waiver. (Thank 7sage!!!) I have never been to VA and don't really know anything about this school, but with my acceptance and scholly, I am really considering it. I was just wondering if anyone on here has attended or knows anything about W&M that is worth sharing with me that I should consider. I know this is common to discuss on TLS, but they kinda scare me (lol.)

Thanks :)


  • The 180 Bro_OVOThe 180 Bro_OVO Alum Inactive ⭐
    1392 karma
    Congrats on your acceptance and scholarship!!
    Throw yourself an acceptance party :)

    To your question.
    I don't know a ton about the school, but from my understanding, it is more of a regional school. So if your ultimate goal is to end up in idk Seattle, Washington, it might not be the best choice. But if you plan on staying in the Virgina area, that sounds like a solid choice.
  • texvd1988texvd1988 Member
    605 karma
    W and M is beautiful, and a great undergrad school. As for law, what the 180 said is most likely correct. Since it is outside of the t14 range, it probably won't hold as much sway country wide as those schools do. However, it probably holds strength in the northeast or Virginia itself. So if that's where you are planning on practicing, then you are golden.
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    If you're okay living in DC or Richmond for work, it's a good regional school. Above the Law ( ranks it about 10 slots higher than US News ( does. You probably don't want to go there at sticker price, but with a good scholarship, it's definitely worth a look. Before I decided that I wasn't moving from LA, I seriously considered it.
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