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Is is necessary to use logic for LR questions?

cm214998cm214998 Alum Member

I know Lawgic is incorporated in the CC in order to gain a full understanding of the the LSATs components. However, I find that trying to use conditional logic to try and solve LR problems actually confuses me and slows me down. I actually understand the problem better when I just read the LR stimulus very carefully, focusing on the indicator words and parsing out conclusions and premises. Is it ok to not worry about conditional logic for LR or am I going to need it when I get to later question types? Thanks!


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma

    If you can understand the concepts in a more intuitive sense and arrive at the correct answer without the use of conditional symbolization; fantastic. For me personally, the symbolization and writing out of something like 35-1-22 or 24-2-24 helps immensely. A prerequisite for how much that symbolization helps me is that I am confident in my translation and am confident in my ability to cut through the haze of the answer choices, this has come with much practice and still isn't as automatic as I would like it to be. What follows is a list of LR problems where for me, good-reliable conditional symbolization can aide in answering the questions with precision under timing pressures. Consider them test cases:

    9-2-23 (fun old gem)
    and finally, one of my favorite gems of all time:

    I hope this helps

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma

    I'd say that it is absolutely necessary to use conditional logic in any situation where there is conditional language, lol. However, I'd make a huge distinction between using conditional logic and writing conditional logic. I may write out the conditional language on one question in a section, but even that isn't all that common for me. It's not because I'm not using conditional logic though, it's because I've learned it so thoroughly that it's just kind of how I think now. As long as you're truly understanding the logic, being able to answer the questions like that is a good thing and is to be strived for.

  • BenjaminSFBenjaminSF Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    457 karma

    I would love to not use conditional logic in LR. On many questions, I don't use it. If the structure of the prompt is easy to follow without applying logic, then I don't do it. If I see several conditionals or lots of extraneous wording, then generally I will diagram it, so I can I have the most simplified form of the logical argument possible. This is something I got a feel for as I did PTs. I did this by diagramming nearly EVERY question until I could tell which ones were extraneous. This will come progressively, and you get feedback on each question you choose to not diagram when you get to the BR phase.

    Some questions, like paralell reasoning/flaw, I like to diagram unless I can tell they have a very simple argument structure. It is case-by-case for MBT, PSA, SA, NA (I go by intuition). I would imagine everyone has their types of questions where diagramming is essential.

    For now, my advice, being nearly finished with my final phase of studying, is to practice it, even if it is slower. You are not trying to beat the clock yet, you are trying to ingrain the fundamentals of logic that are applied in a very specific way. By diagramming, I see two main benefits:

    1. You are forced to write out the entire logic structure of each question that has formal logic in it. This benefits you in the long run, as you will definitely get faster while remaining accurate.

    2. You can go back and see the exact points at which you make mistakes in your reasoning/diagram, so you can see where your mental process strayed from the question. As such, you can learn from each mistake explicitly, as opposed to having to remember any mistakes you make in interpreting the logical structure.

  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    1741 karma

    Yes, it's necessary if you want to score well.

    I understand at present it's slowing you down because the concept is so foreign. When I first began studying, I would have to bracket the premises and conclusion so I could parse through the argument. Now it's completely intuitive, my mind does this automatically. Once you improve your understanding of logic, you will have similar results. Your mind will begin mapping out the logic intuitively and you will rely less on diagramming and spend less time thinking about the logic. It does take time.

    It takes time because you are literally changing the way you think. No one thinks logically without learning how . Unless you are Spock. Are you Spock?


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