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Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

SamiSami Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
edited February 2017 in General 10794 karma

To all 7sagers who are alone today because we can't have a life while also studying for LSAT or to others who are in a relationship,

Happy Valentines Day! <3 <3 <3

I hope you all have a love and logic filled day! May you all get each and every single LSAT problem right! ;) And may we stock up on chocolates tomorrow because they will be half-off! Love you all <3

Sami <3

Valentine day plans
  1. What will you be doing today?26 votes
    1. Have romantic dinner/spend time with my bf/gf
    2. Ignore my bf/gf - It's LSAT time. (They'll understand or break up with me ;) ).
    3. Spend time doing some LSAT drills like a champ!
    4. Ugh I guess I am alone. But I have a date with myself. Chocolates anyone?


  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    1741 karma

    This polling data is biased

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    Why am I the only one having a romantic dinner with my partner?!

  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited February 2017 11542 karma

    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:
    Why am I the only one having a romantic dinner with my partner?!

    The rest of us are trying to get 180s on the LSAT alright?????!?!??!! sheeeeesh...

  • BenjaminSFBenjaminSF Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    457 karma

    Do I have to pick the most right answer?

  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    edited February 2017 4141 karma

    I love this Sami haha. I wasn't expecting drills to win though...we have no lives--excuse me LSAT consumes our lives

  • camcam Alum Member
    349 karma

    I'm alone tonight, however, I am spending the evening doing the assigned reading for two classes. I'm waiting to buy chocolate/candy until it goes on sale tomorrow. I'm waiting till the Feb. test results come out before I get back into LSAT studying mode-I hit burn out at least twice during my prep, so a minimum of a month away from actual LSAT studying will feel great. I'm seeing a nice benefit to my undergrad courses thanks to all of the LSAT prep: my reading comprehension and attention to detail is far greater than it was before my prep.

  • BenjaminSFBenjaminSF Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    edited February 2017 457 karma

    I will be having a lovely dinner with my girlfriend and then go back to studying.

  • SamiSami Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10794 karma

    @jknauf said:
    This polling data is biased

    Lol is it because you are not doing anything with your gf? ;)

    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:
    Why am I the only one having a romantic dinner with my partner?!

    What's a partner? lol After studying for LSAT that's like an alien concept now ;)

    @BenjaminSF said:
    Do I have to pick the most right answer?

    Lol yes! Why do I have a feeling you feel guilty about something and that's why you don't have a straight answer!

    @cam said:
    I'm alone tonight, however, I am spending the evening doing the assigned reading for two classes. I'm waiting to buy chocolate/candy until it goes on sale tomorrow. I'm waiting till the Feb. test results come out before I get back into LSAT studying mode-I hit burn out at least twice during my prep, so a minimum of a month away from actual LSAT studying will feel great. I'm seeing a nice benefit to my undergrad courses thanks to all of the LSAT prep: my reading comprehension and attention to detail is far greater than it was before my prep.

    lol Same. What's your favorite chocolate? And good luck for the Feb results!!!!!!

  • SamiSami Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited February 2017 10794 karma

    @"nessa.k13.0" said:
    I love this Sami haha. I wasn't expecting drills to win though...we have no lives--excuse me LSAT consumes our lives

    lmao, I picked "alone and chocolates" but today so far I havn't had a single pice of chocolate yet and I am about to do drills! so lmao

    @BenjaminSF said:
    I will be having a lovely dinner with my girlfriend and then go back to studying.

    Yeah sure. I can't imagine any girlfriend after a valentine dinner saying, "yeah, lets study" ;)

  • camcam Alum Member
    349 karma

    @Sami said:

    lol Same. What's your favorite chocolate? And good luck for the Feb results!!!!!!

    I'm not very picky with Valentine's Day Chocolate. Reese's anything is a safe bet. At least in the Midwest, if I had the day after Valentine's Day off, I'd hit up the Fannie May store shortly after they opened to pickup whatever heart shaped boxes they had left (for cheap). I don't know if they sell Fannie May in New England though (I moved out here a year ago).

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