Riley Curry keeps her eye on the prize. Be like Riley Curry.

Saturday, February 25th at 5PM ET: PT 63
with LSAC Superprep II explanations!
Click here to join this conversation:
Please click the link and comment if you plan on participating.
You can also dial in to the BR call by using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 617-377-325
The Full Schedule
And if you’d like to see the full schedule for upcoming sessions, here it is:
- For everyone: take the PT under timed conditions; BR as you are able on your own; then join us for all or part of the call—everyone is welcome.
- Note: For the purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review score together at the very end of the call
So at least don't say ... "No guys, really, it's D, I checked it.” KEEP THE CORRECT ANSWER TO YOURSELF. Win the argument with your reasoning.
- These groups work best when folks from ALL stages of prep and with all different goals join in! Not just for "super-preppers" and definitely not just for the casual LSATer (does such a person exist?).
- The only expectation anyone has for these calls is for you to have fun and ask questions as you desire. We are just a bunch of LSAT lovers who gather via GoToMeeting and intellectually slaughter each test.
@dml277 @BinghamtonDave @"Alex Divine" @ScooterMinion @aimhigher @leannasamson @Omed_OvO @cm214998 @nanchito @"Lauren L" @Emely.Moreta @"el chucho" @jgsisco @Sharmetz @877blessed @mnrahall @jennagould60 @Citygirl @aaronmorris222 @bswise2 @KWoulf13 @mckenzieleanne10 @hhhiser_06 @DinnerAtSix @couchifer @poohbear @SherryS1 @smartaone2 @red_ambrosia @crp9ce @DiligenFxy0628 @karen.sov @spbarry @cfield.3 @JustDoIt @lawgikal @TheMikey @justicedst @bbutler @Mitzyyyy @AlexandriaD @"Burt Macklin" @"adore-no" @twssmith @gaandrsn @RafaelBernard @CinnamonTea @TheMikey @sheridan9194 @jimmyrivera201 @meg321go @carlistics @draj0623 @jcorine26 @caitieadams @ppcoelho1 @Gladiator_2015 @sunnyvictoria0610 @yamameerzada484 @bruingirl1205 @emilyxiong315 @lawschoolstuff16 @joneselisabethpenn @gaandrsn @tsan220 @Grace... @dantlee14 @dannyshaw @"Not Ralph Nader" @etphonehome @"subi rami" @cetienn2 @zyahya @Connor180 @Walliums @canadalegalbiz @jeremybentham @HennaC15 @helentang02 @imekahel @sacksj18 @Mattglandry @trxdsd91 @jknauf @hernandk @far_k_hd @BenjiM123 @morganclarke @phelanj75 @d_villa @5everLSATing @mo.sheikh @zyahya @cetienn2 @"subi rami" @etphonehome @rachaels @"Michelle Juma" @rpffj1213, @alex.e92, @McLovinLSAT, @bswise2, @corgimeister, @BryantFu @leslieh327, @etphonehome, @evan3826 @danielznelson @cskent329 @"jw316 TLS" @BenjaminSF @amedley88 @dcdcdcdcdc
Trying to catch up! I'll be there for 65
Hi I'm online right now for the BR call and the link is not working, it says "Waiting for the organizer to arrive" and there is no one on the Goto Meeting App
Am I doing something wrong? I clicked the link above
@CinnamonTea Same for me - GoToMeeting has been acting up lately - Vanessa probably having trouble getting it to run
Ahhh ok. I thought I was doing something wrong. Good to hear it's not just me
I'll try again in a couple minutes and see what happens
@CinnamonTea close GTM - copy paste the 9 digit code - open gotomeeting from your browser - and click join to the meeting and enter paste the code
Idk why GTM has been acting up like this
whoops...did not notice that this call was scheduled for a different time than last time. Will pay closer attention next time. @"nessa.k13.0" for future reference, do the call start times tend to vary from week to week?
@sdsd1818 Tyler and I are still on because someone joined later too. Feel free to join! Just to be sure always check the time but I changed it back to 5pm to better accommodate most people's schedules.
I liked the 8pm time
@JustDoIt aw I changed it because I got complaints about not being able to attend because it falls during the middle of a Saturday night for ppl. Would it be possible for you to join later like 6pm or 7pm?
@"nessa.k13.0" lol but LSAT is BAE so we spend all of our Saturday nights together
I personally really prefer the 5 pm time! I'll be able to attend most if not all sessions now! My friends always get together on Sat. Nights.
I totally get it. I'm just playing. One of the main reasons I preferred the later ones was because I would take the test in the morning on Saturday and BR LR before. Guess I gotta be ahead now and BR all week! (Which is probably better anyways tbh)
@JustDoIt Yes! Take the PT days before the BR calls, you need that time to do a thorough blind review. I try to stay almost a week ahead of the schedule to allow for serious BR:)