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PT Suggestions

culv.carlieculv.carlie Member
in General 24 karma

I'm planning to take the June LSAT and have started taking PTs. I have the Premium course, which includes up to PT 58. I was curious how many of the newer PTs one would recommend taking to better simulate what the more current test is like. Also, do I need to upgrade my account in order to hear explanations on the newer PTs (59+)? Thanks!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"culv.carlie" said:
    I'm planning to take the June LSAT and have started taking PTs. I have the Premium course, which includes up to PT 58. I was curious how many of the newer PTs one would recommend taking to better simulate what the more current test is like. Also, do I need to upgrade my account in order to hear explanations on the newer PTs (59+)? Thanks!

    Yes, definitely update your account to get 61-80 explanations and access. While the test hasn't changed much over time in any major way, the newer tests are way more indicative of where you'll likely score on game day. If you're planning to take in June I would really make 62-80 my focus and priority. Use the older tests from the 1-40 for fool proofing games and timed sections to drill. Maybe do the a couple from the 50s and make sure to at least fool proof the games from them. I know there's a few notoriously challenging ones in the 50s you won't want to miss.

  • culv.carlieculv.carlie Member
    24 karma

    perfect thank you!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"culv.carlie" said:
    perfect thank you!

    of course :) Good luck on your test!

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