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Cumulative GPA in LSAC Academic Summary Report

Is the "Cumulative GPA" in the "Summary" box the GPA that law school admissions officers are going to use? It's just SO far off what I estimated it to be using the LSAC's guide to grade summary and 7Sage's calculator. It's much higher than my estimates and it has me worried I'm looking at the wrong thing.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Yes, it appears you are looking at the correct one under "cumulative." I had the same concern when mine was .2 higher than I also estimated.

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    edited April 2017 1997 karma

    Is there a way to get the academic summary report without applying anywhere? I don't have LORs in the system and don't want to sign up for CAS yet, but I have absolutely no idea how to make the report run (if it's possible at all).

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    edited April 2017 1997 karma

    Jk. It looks like I just need to pay the $175 for CAS. Pretty ridiculous cost for a non-sense service that I could program in a few hours.

    Nonprofit my ass

  • rafaelitorafaelito Alum Member
    1063 karma

    @AlexanderCM said:
    Is the "Cumulative GPA" in the "Summary" box the GPA that law school admissions officers are going to use? It's just SO far off what I estimated it to be using the LSAC's guide to grade summary and 7Sage's calculator. It's much higher than my estimates and it has me worried I'm looking at the wrong thing.

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    Yes, it appears you are looking at the correct one under "cumulative." I had the same concern when mine was .2 higher than I also estimated.

    I haven't applied yet so I'm not sure what this refers too but why are you both worried that your estimate was lower than the one LSAC calculated? Am I missing something? Too much LR for the day....?

  • AlexanderCMAlexanderCM Member
    edited April 2017 174 karma

    @RafaelBernard said:

    @AlexanderCM said:
    Is the "Cumulative GPA" in the "Summary" box the GPA that law school admissions officers are going to use? It's just SO far off what I estimated it to be using the LSAC's guide to grade summary and 7Sage's calculator. It's much higher than my estimates and it has me worried I'm looking at the wrong thing.

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    Yes, it appears you are looking at the correct one under "cumulative." I had the same concern when mine was .2 higher than I also estimated.

    I haven't applied yet so I'm not sure what this refers too but why are you both worried that your estimate was lower than the one LSAC calculated? Am I missing something? Too much LR for the day....?

    Basically (and I speak for myself not @"Alex Divine" ) I calculated my LSAC GPA and thought I was going to drop a whole point and a half GPA wise because of a couple stupid decisions I made in undergrad while working full time. I just got my Academic Summary Report and it has my GPA up a half point from my transcript GPA. Because the difference wasn't even in the same direction as my estimate I was a little paranoid that something just hadn't been calculated yet. I was operating under the "if it's too good to be true, it's false" assumption lol

  • AlexanderCMAlexanderCM Member
    174 karma

    I'm currently giving my community college self who didn't even think I was going to go to college a high five because it appears those community college grades made all the difference.

  • rafaelitorafaelito Alum Member
    1063 karma

    @AlexanderCM said:

    @RafaelBernard said:

    @AlexanderCM said:
    Is the "Cumulative GPA" in the "Summary" box the GPA that law school admissions officers are going to use? It's just SO far off what I estimated it to be using the LSAC's guide to grade summary and 7Sage's calculator. It's much higher than my estimates and it has me worried I'm looking at the wrong thing.

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    Yes, it appears you are looking at the correct one under "cumulative." I had the same concern when mine was .2 higher than I also estimated.

    I haven't applied yet so I'm not sure what this refers too but why are you both worried that your estimate was lower than the one LSAC calculated? Am I missing something? Too much LR for the day....?

    Basically (and I speak for myself not @"Alex Divine" ) I calculated my LSAC GPA and thought I was going to drop a whole point and a half GPA wise because of a couple stupid decisions I made in undergrad while working full time. I just got my Academic Summary Report and it has my GPA up a half point from my transcript GPA. Because the difference wasn't even in the same direction as my estimate I was a little paranoid that something just hadn't been calculated yet. I was operating under the "if it's too good to be true, it's false" assumption lol

    Ah I see. Well that is awesome for you! I understand the paranoia but seems like you're good. Thanks for explaining :)

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