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Hi Everyone,
Last session was great. Thanks to everyone who showed up. We made RC fun!. : )
So last time we focused on low resolution-high resolution summary and how to read and comprehend RC passages effectively. This time, in addition to practicing this method, we are going to do one A-B passage. There is a different way to do such passages which makes these kinds of passages a piece of cake and I think it would be helpful to show and practice this method.
Since A-B passages don't start till later PT's, we would be practicing on one of the recent tests, PT 65. But I think even if some of you havn't done any of the recent PT's, it would be helpful to use one of them to understand how to do these kind of passages. There are 86 PT's to practice, using one for learning LSAT will be a good call.
If any one of you does not want to Burn PT 65, you are welcome to take it on your own. But lets Blind Review Passage 3 together.
If you do not have time to take it, that's fine as well. We will go over the passage together.
Let me know what you guys think.
P.S. Does this time work better for some of you who couldn't make it last time?
To join the meeting, just follow the link below at the meeting time. I'll see you all there .
Sami's RC Tutoring- AB Passage
Sun, May 14, 2017 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 764-143-181
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:
So in for this again! Last session was great!
Also, which PT would it be from?
Just a thought - since we would have to use a recent PT, if you posted it ahead of time, people could still take the test before sunday and BR it as normal. That way it isn't entirely burned
Thanks! Its going to be PT 65, passage 3.
Great idea @Mellow_Z. : ). I went ahead and posted the information.
Totally in!
Alrighty cool! May do PT65 tomorrow for this, haha!
Due to the arrangement of my apartment, I can never really be in a quiet place at night time when using the internet. But hopefully I can verbally participate this time, I will see!
I'm confused. Is this like a BR group for RC that focuses on single passages and then reviews them as a group?
Although we will be reviewing strategy for 10 minutes, the purpose is to practice doing passages together the right way. So more like a Blind Review group. Except this is something that I am doing for my own benefit and I am at most going to do only one additional session.
Awesome! Thank you very much for doing this again! I'm in!
@Sami Thanks! How do I join the session? Also is there any way to get notes from the last session?
I'd like to join!
@Sami Cool! I'd also like to join. How can we join?
Hey so I went ahead and added the link in the above post. All you have to do is click it at the time of the meeting and it will take you there.
@smseraj3 During the meeting I will quickly go over the essentials from last meeting. So don't worry. We will also practice it, so you will catch on.
bumping it up for link purposes.
Can't wait!
Sadly, I cannot join at all during that time tonight. However, I'd love to do another RC BR group though any other day!! I can commit to one next week, same bat time and same bat channel, if you're doing one!
Will this one be recorded?
These are just sessions and not webinars so they will not be recorded. I might do one more next week, lets wait and see
. But I wish you were going to be there
Sorry I couldn't make it, something came up! Was excited for the A-B passage, ugh, sucks but things happen!
aww that's completely fine. : ) It happens : )
We will do another one again this Sunday. Not sure if it would be an A-B passage, but if there is a demand for that, we can do that. : )
I'll be there!
I vote for a hard, convoluted passage about natural science. I'm not good at remembering a lot of scientific data, plus, I must constantly work at not getting bogged down in the details---which slows my reading time down even further.
So I'll take all the practice I can get! Thank you for doing these!
I hate science passages too! So this would be great
I forgot to add: I don't mind doing A-B passages, but I find those easier than the longer, science ones.
Whichever kind of RC passage you want to do, Sami, I'll be there!
I have 3 finals on Monday, so the likelihood I'll join you guys on Sunday is low since I'll be stressing out haha.
Would you mind maybe sending me the strategies (or the slideshow/powerpoint) you showed everyone yesterday for A-B passages? Would greatly appreciate it!
Also, Sami.. I wanted to ask you.. Do you use Nicole's notation strategy for RC? Just curious!
Science passage it is! I'll look for an exceptionally difficult one to do this upcoming weekend.
Haha, I actually do not. I don't think you need a notation strategy that's that extensive. A simple one that's personal would suffice. : )
I actually did not have a powerpoint slide for this time.
But in general you first do passage A and instead of going to passage B, you answer all questions that even relate to passage A slightly. The goal is to eliminate as many answer choices as possible.
Then you do Passage B, and its basically like a new passage where you don't have to remember what happened in A. After you are done reading it, you only read the answer choices you couldn't eliminate when you went over the first time with passage A.
It makes more sense when you practice. The benefit of doing it this way is that you don't get confused by the detailed information offered in two passages and you only have to remember one passage at a time. This boosts accuracy.
I hope this helped. I wish you had been there to see how it actually works.
Yes it helped! Thanks for that, it makes total sense!