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Need some happy vibes :)

RRH1616_RRH1616_ Alum Member
in General 45 karma

Hi Guys!

I hope anyone reading this is having a fine day. I guess I just wanted to make a post because I've been largely silent in the Discussion section. I'm taking the June LSAT and am feeling quite overwhelmed. Working full time at a stressful job and having a two-hour long commute takes a considerable chunk out of my day. I worry I acted too quickly by signing up for the June exam since I only started studying in mid-February.

I just took my first two PTs and scored158/159, my blind reviews 163/166. With the test a month away... does anyone think I'll be able to catch up to my blind review score? I guess I'm just looking for a bit of encouragement :)

Anyway, my apologies for sounding mopey. Let's end on a happy note. GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY STUDIES EVERYONE!!!


  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    Hey, @BeccaH0916! I think if you're lacking in LG your PT scores could match your BR scores easier than the other two sections.

  • Mellow_ZMellow_Z Alum Member
    1997 karma

    If you think you signed up for the LSAT too early, why not postpone? At this point, you are applying for the fall '18 cycle whether you sit for June or September, so I would highly recommend changing your test date and waiting until you are ready to score your best. I think you have maybe a day or two left to do this though, so I would act quickly if you're interested.

    September is still pretty early in the cycle, so if you have your apps ready by the time you get your scores back in early October, you won't see any drawback of waiting to sit in Sept instead of June. And if you manage to score even 1 point higher by waiting, you will see miles of improvement in terms of success during your cycle.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    I agree with @Mellow_Z; if you are not sure about taking the test, I think you should postpone.

    @Mellow_Z said:
    I think you have maybe a day or two left to do this though, so I would act quickly if you're interested.

    Although Test Date Change deadline is tomorrow (May 16), you can withdraw the registration until 11:59 pm (ET) the night before the test (you will not receive a refund).

  • jaefromcanadajaefromcanada Alum Member
    315 karma

    I think it's definitely possible for you to catch up to your PT score. Foolproof games as much as possible and try do the best you can to keep a steady schedule.

    That said, postponing is also a possibility. Another flip side is leveraging date to be surgical about your studying and habits. Try and gauge where you're at in the next couple weeks. Get your score, not date.

    You seem like you're on the right track with those BR scores and know that with timing precision, better fundamentals and improved test taking, you can achieve your potential.

    Best of luck and happy vibes!

  • RRH1616_RRH1616_ Alum Member
    45 karma

    Thank you everyone for the kind words and suggestions :)
    Honestly, I'm a huge procrastinator and I worry if I push the test off it will just give me another excuse to delay studying. I'm hoping to take the test for the first time in June and if I'm not 100% happy with my score, I'll still have enough time to sign up for the September exam.

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