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Doing my first PT since restarting the CC tomorrow

TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
in General 1723 karma

Not going to lie, I'm pretty nervous about this. I definitely am still not near where I want to end up (going to do fool proof method next) but I'm ready to see where I am at. Really struggling to break out of the mindset of I'm the same person that I was when I made my half-hearted attempt to study for the LSAT during school (I was sub-150). I'm looking to write in September and I know 3 1/2 months is a lot of time but I'm still pretty nervous.

Any tips or advice for taking PT's?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited May 2017 23929 karma

    Don't be nervous!

    If you've completed the CC a second time, chances are you got a lot more out of it then you did the first time. I have also gone through most of the CC twice, and many things I was only able to fully understand the second time around.

    As for taking PTs, try to remember that they are just diagnostics to expose weaknesses and let you know where you need work. I just completely learned to accept it, and, moreover, see the silver lining with every question I get wrong. Every weakness of mine that a PT exposes gives a chance to improve before the actual test. Learn to embrace the wrong questions too!

    Also, remember that improvement will come mostly from blind review and drilling after the PTs show you what you need to work on.

    Re-watch the lessons under "Resources for Taking Simulated LSATs' in the core curriculum.

    JY talks about how to take a test, remaining calm, and the importance of skipping.

    I think you are going to be surprised how much your effort this second time around is going to pay off.

    Good luck on the PT! :)

  • Achen165Achen165 Member
    656 karma

    Hey akeegs92,

    Like you, I also found it hard to study for the LSAT while being in school. Do you recall much of what you have already navigated through in the CC? I have found with inconsistent LSAT studying, I lose some knowledge and have to revisit things covered previously...

    BR is a MUST and be sure to not get burnt out--- don't do more than 2 PT's per week, and make sure you fully review every answer you got wrong and those you are not 100% certain of.

    I would recommend that you watch every 7Sage video for the games that you have completed in your PT's and to make multiple copies of the games and rework them in and out (7x + ea.---thats the 7Sage method) to improve accuracy and familarity. I like to do a game I'd already done before from a PT I have already done as a warm up for a PT.

    PT in the morning if you are able to--- closer to the test date you want to get into the mode of testing around the same time that you would relatively be taking the exam so that your brain is adapted to LSAT mode and to help ease some exam day jitters.

    Also make sure to take PT's under timed test conditions. Sit for the full length of the exam in a non-comfortable place, possibly where there are noisy distractions, like at a coffee shop, a library, etc. You need to make sure you know how to focus in spite of background noise. Download an LSAT timer on your phone, some of them have sound effects like footsteps, door slams, pencil sharpener, coughs, etc. to simulate the possibility of potential distractions during the real exam. Consider buying an LSAT watch to use as a timer and bring along with you on test day.

    Also, review the wrong answers upon taking exams and do not delay, it should be pretty fresh in your mind what logic you had when selecting a wrong answer so that you can recall it, refute it, and reformulate your logical senses to know how to get answers correct in the future.

    Best of luck!

  • TexAgAaronTexAgAaron Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Thanks @"Alex Divine" @achen013 I'm really hoping I've made a jump. Going through the CC a bit slower definitley has helped me see things better. I guess I've had mixed enough results going through some of the problem sets that I don't know how I will do. But I am encouraged by y'alls words! I'm hoping this is going to be a big shot in the arm for the next 3 1/2 months haha

  • xtrfalconxtrfalcon Alum Member
    148 karma

    @akeegs92 You got this! Swallowing that pill and buckling down for a second time shows tremendous growth as it is. Have confidence in this ability to remain vigilant, no matter the score on your PT. We're all in the same boat, and are here to support! You're going to do fine.

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