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Hey Everyone,
So far we have done a regular passage and an A-B passage. This time we will be going over a science passage. We will be applying the same strategy that we learned in the previous two sessions. The key is to keep practicing with these strategies so we can get better. This time we will be doing PT 44, Section 1, Passage 3.
I would recommend not doing the passage before coming to the meeting so we can work through this together and you can really practice with the right strategy. All you are required to have for the meeting is the passage and questions in front of you in some form.
If you have never attended one of these sessions please do not worry that you will not know what's going on. I will review the strategies before starting the passage and you will catch on.
To join the meeting all you have to do is click the link below at the specified date and time.
I'll see you all there! : )
Free RC Tutoring - Sami
Sun, May 21, 2017 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM EDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 283-806-493
First GoToMeeting? Try a test session:
Sadly I won't be able to join this time because 4pm EDT is very early in the morning here...
Have fun with a science passage!
It's okay.
I had to make sure it didn't conflict with JY PT 80 event that's happening later.
BTW, where time zone do you fall under?
I can finally join you!
@Sami My time zone is 13 hours ahead of EDT (GMT+9). So it will be 5am. Maybe I will still join if I can!
OMG! That is really early! Sorry for it being so early. I kinda had no choice. It was either that or even earlier. Maybe next time, if we do it again?
I hope you can! But I certainly understand the need to sleep!
P.S. Thank you, @Sami , for including an "end time" (even if it might be approximate or rigid)!
Sadly have 3 finals the following day so will be studying for those. This will be the last one you do, correct?
Not sure. If people want to do more, I will be happy to do more
I wish you were able to join. But I completely understand. Good luck on the finals!
Setting alarm on now with the right time zone so I don't show up 2 hours late this time

More like after it has all ended
Haha. All you have to do now is show up to JY's call instead and wonder where Sami is.
I'll be joining in! So, all we do is print out a fresh copy of the RC passage and come to the session without having touched the passage? Also, love that your doing passages from the 40s
Yup that's all you have to do : ). And yeah, I reasoned most people wouldn't be averse to using an older PT for practice.
Ummm, is that a trap question?
I'll join as many as you want to do!
Same! I'll join a ton since I'll be graduating and this summer is dedicated solely to LSAT prep! Really want to make my 160's to 170's but I've yet to make it there due to RC
If you ever do this again, 6:30pm EDT would be great or even 6pm EDT (= 7am here)
I remember during one Crash Course Workshop, J.Y. was doing the Workshop from 7am in a time zone he was in. I want to train my brain to be as awake as his at 7am (Maybe it's impossible because J.Y. has a genius brain
Yay! See you on Sunday @ Sami
RC is tough! But we will for sure conquer this together!
I'll try. I know the next couple of weeks we do have JY's workshops on most days. He is definitely a genius. We can be as awake as he is at 7 a.m. too! (We just probably need a lot more coffee!)
See you Sunday!
There are no analogy questions!!! Thank you, Sami! I will be there.
Don't worry. I have some analogy questions saved for us to do together.

is that subtlety for you're going to do more of these sessions???
lol maybe
I'll try to join as well
so I tried joining with the link provided and it said my session will start when Olivia the organizer arrives.. Am I in the wrong link?
ok nvm I think I clicked the wrong link lol
lol I am glad you found your way. : )
Haha me too!! It was so awesome!! Please continue to do these again, I will definitely attend. Also, would love an economics passage
Yes ma'am : ). Will try to find one for next time.
I popped in for bit to have a listen (I was the phone caller) and you are an awesome tutoring leader so encouraging and knowledgeable! I hope to be around for full time for the next RC tutoring session and would also appreciate an econ passage
Thanks Mikey for convincing me to attend one of these, you were right, it was beyond awesome!!
@CinnamonTea, @sweetsecret, @TheMikey
You guys are so sweet. Thank you for all the kind words. It's so encouraging.