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So i am planning on taking the September LSAT. I am almost done my bachelors, all i have left is a 6 week online capstone. My question is, can i apply to school without having finished my bachelors yet? I dont want to take the capstone during my LSAT prep. So i was considering taking it at some point next year but i want to be considered for early decision for fall 2018. Was wondering if schools will extend an offer when i have not completed my bachelors yet. As of right now i have 3.9 gpa and i dont think this capstone will change that. Thanks for your help!!
The general answer is yes--- you can apply without having earned a bachelor's as most schools (all of the ones that I am aware of, I say most just in case other schools have different protocols) require you to indicate your anticipated graduation date, and it is traditionally the consensus that the bachelor's will be earned in the present academic year (the academic year in which you take the LSAT), preceding the year in which you seek admissions to law school. Most schools stipulate that a bachelors degree must be earned prior to matriculation, that is, up to the summer semester before the Fall in which you enter the law school.
Ahh ok so that shouldnt be a problem. Thanks so much for your help
I think you'll be just fine, op!
yeah you definitely can apply without having finished your Bachelors! all K-JD's do it :P