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just wanted to say good luck to everyone heading for that count down till the test.. and to tell a short story, I met a guy at the library who saw me studying and told me his first lsat after studying months getting 157-162 was a 168, and his second was a 173. he said that once he got over the fear of not doing as well as he wanted to, he was more focused and it helped, so I know were all quietly freaking out ( i am ) but remember, .... Paralegals get paid well too.. just kidding, remember its just a test and you can always take it again. As cliche as this sounds, you have to believe in yourself!
Always with the gems @"theLSATdreamer " - I like you
Great story, @"theLSATdreamer "! I am sure the June test takers really appreciate it. Are you taking in June? If so, I wish you good luck and all the best!
I'd be a paralegal gladly, but no models and bottles
@Daniel.Sieradzki i am taking it in june 13 days to go man, freaked out this weekend but then realized, fuck it, my wife is hot. ( random but its one of those constant silver linings in life )
I also freaked out over the weekend but my silver lining was "hey, at least I have a dog" haha
We learned what we did not know...
We now know what we know...
Now is the time to have confidence to implement what we know!!!
All the best to June takers
@nmk_1995 i swear to god my dog just looked me in the eye and said, "you lazy human. you better score a 173 or higher. otherwise i'm eating every new pair of shoes you buy for the next five years."
@nmk_1995 @twssmith yes i cant disappoint my dog, he has judgmental tendencies, if i get bellow a 160 he may never play with me again.