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I am right now finishing a passage about totally half an hour, and mostly -2. Desperated! Any hope there?
How you guys deal with RC. I know most of you may do it effortlessly.
Hi @"cynthia.wu82",
There is always hope for improvement! Can you provide us with some more information?
Are you saying that it takes you about 30 minutes to read one passage and answer all of its questions? If that is the case, what part is taking up that time? In other words, how much time are you spending on the passage and how much time are you spending on the questions? Also, what is taking up the most time on the passage, is it understanding the concepts, the words themselves, or something else?
I am sorry to ask so many questions, but the more information you provide, the more help I can give you (also more specific help). I think it is also worth noting that most students struggle with RC. Even top-scorers who do well on RC still have to work hard at it. Never think that it comes effortlessly to most people. Not only is that wrong, but it only serves to discourage you.
Of course there is hope! Don't get down on yourself!
Is English your first language? Do you have vision problems? Are there any of these bigger reasons why your speed may be slower?
Most importantly, have you gone through a curriculum (7Sage) or read a book on RC strategy (Not that I'd recommend much; LSAT Trainer; Manhattan RC) ? Reading on the LSAT needs to be done and learned to do much differently than we read most normal things. Practice and a strategy and course to guide you will do you wonders!
Also RC is the one section where it can feel impossible to even gain a point. I suggest doing some untimed work on some older PTs and see what you score.
Try signing up for a 7Sage course and going through the course. I can all but guarentee you will see some major improvements.
Good luck
Thanks so much for you guys reply. English is not my first language
and I have a normal vision.
I spend about 15 minutes in reading and 15 minutes in answering questions. I think the problem is understanding the passage, especially the difficult and complex sentences. However, I recently are training to familiar with this kind of sentences. I cannot feel comfortable when I reading RC, because the complex sentences and topic, as well as multiple opinions.
I currently are finding a way out and trying to get some progress.
Hmmm... This doesn't sound like my place of expertise. Perhaps an ESL tutor may be able to help you. Reading comprehension is obviously such a big part of the exam so it may very well be worth the money to invest in one.
Otherwise, just make sure you give yourself the time you need to become more fluent and thus more fluid with your English.
I don't know about most people who do it effortlessly. In fact all of the top scorers I know have struggled with RC a lot at some point. I know I did and english isn't my first language either.
How did I deal with it?
I just had no choice but to work my way up. When my RC score suddenly dipped I lost a lot of confidence in myself but I wasn't ready to give up either. I worked slow and steady by breaking each passage and questions apart. Getting help when I couldn't understand it and needed advice on strategy.I also found study buddies who could work RC with me. I was also very forgiving of myself when I wanted to complain - I think my boyfriend would attest to all the hours he spent listening to me as I complained about how I am just terrible at RC and I don't believe in myself and I am going to bomb LSAT. But slowly through hard work my score started improving again and its gotten a lot better.
All I can tell you is that it gets better. Don't give up hope and keep working hard. Ask around for help and form your own group that you like to study with. You'll do just fine. I promise
Thank you so much for your encouragement.
I lose hope when I took half a hour to finish a passage and till got many wrong answers. I questioned myself if I can do it. I study pretty hard. 5 hours a day. I just want to make sure I study the right way so that to avoid go the wrong road and waste of time. After all,my time is really limit. I currently have no idea where to start to efficiently study. I tried 7SAGE's way of studying the RC, the manhantan's way, and now, I find Kaplan's way, which I believe is most practicable for me and give me some directions. But, still, I cannot read RC and understand easily. I have to spend 15 minutes to read line by line and understand them slowly, and another 15 minutes to answer the questions, and still got -2 or -3 out of 7 questions.
I currently filled myself with complex sentences and spend at least one hour to understand them to build my gramma foundation. Also, about half an hour to learn vocabuaries every day.
But, still I cannot see obvious improvement.
I don't know what to do now.
Not sure but have you attended the free RC tutoring I offer? I am trying to jog my memory if I have worked with you before and to see if I can offer you some insights into yourself.
If you havn't, I break down the each paragraph by low resolution/ high resolution summary which makes it easier to go through each paragraph and in turn the passage.
No! Today, I only noticed that you are offering the free tutoring. When do you offer tutoring next time, I am interested in all of them, RC, LR, LG.
Hopefully can study with you
Hopefully I'll see you then as well! I took a break last weekend but I should have free tutoring for RC and LR coming up soon. I do not do logic games.
I usually post the date and time in announcement, so keep an eye out for that. : )
When you are there make sure to volunteer yourself. It's the only way for me to work with you and see what's going on.
@"cynthia.wu82" I assume that you are one of international students like me. Rather being intimidate of the language, focus on the structure of the passage with comprehension. Spend time in front can enhance speed of answer question. Read Manhattan RC helps me a lot. I wouldn't get distracted by the topic anymore. Slow and accuracy first.
If you are at early stage of LSAT preparation, it doesn't hurt you to get full comprehension on RC slowly.
I registered for this Sep and Dec. but I really not sure I can take the Sep. one, because I currently every section takes me triple times more to finish it than the time required.
I currently work mostly at RC, which I guess is the most difficult for me to catch up.
I did the PTs, with not time limited,the score is around 160-169
I can not help to wonder is there anyone who finally got 170+ at some point like me right now?
Can I still join you study group?
I will definitely keep an eye on your tutoring date.
@"cynthia.wu82" Don't untime yourself while wasting PTs. If possible, get one of 7sage package and be familiar with the every section. Although RC is your weakness so far, I would say two sections of LR are the most important in the exam. Repetition of previous passages can be useful.
You need find your own approach to do RC while critically viewing others' advice.
I purchased 7 sage lessons, and I really love the game section. It clears lots of my understandings.
Currently, I drill the cambridge by type, actually, I already finished LR once, and this is my second time to do it, while i still am drilling the RC and LG section.
They say it's a good way to build the basic understanding and knowledge. But, I don't know! Currently, I cannot finished pt on time, and hopefully, after my second drill of by types, I can be better prepared.
Hi there,
I guess you are Chinese (with last name Wu)? I am also a Chinese student! Nice to see some other Chinese student out there! I understand the feeling that having a mother language that is totally different with English. I understand the feeling that after reading a hard passage about 18th century English poem style but nothing left in the brain. However, by being brave to take the challenge, you are a warrior. We all know how many students that want to take JD but give up before they even start, because they think LSAT is too hard. You have much more hope than people who think that way.
If you are spending 15min on a passage, I guess vocab and grammar could be issues, but focusing on details too much is another issue that might not be so obvious. Try to grab the main idea and the trend. The author's opinion. Those details that take all your time might never be tested in the questions. As to grammar, I recommend you review this course:
I am so glad that you ask this question. I am also struggling so much in RC. I thought about asking, but I was worried that few people is in the same situation like me. My timing per passage is around 9-12 min, but sometimes I get all the question right, sometimes I get -4 out of 7. I can finish reading a passage in 3-4min, but it takes me almost 1 min to do a problem. I always have a really hard time to eliminate wrong answers, and they take all my time. And also, sometimes I can finish the harder passage quicker and better, but sometimes I just stuck on a passage that everyone think is easy. I just don't know why this is happening. And I always feel rush and nervous when I do RC, which make my situation worse. Right now I just keep on doing passages and my mood is up and down like a roller coster.
But I guess we will improve one day. That's what I learned from LR. At first I am -10 per section, now I am -3 or less. Drilling is helpful, especially for us. I guess RC is just harder for non-native English speaker, but we can still make it.
Also, what score you are targeting? If you are targeting around 165, actually you can allow yourself to just do 3 passages and choose the rest randomly.
Another thought is don't time yourself at the beginning. The most important thing right now is understand, not rush. By rushing though PTs you are wasting the your problems. There are only 80 PTs.
Yes, I will try to better my english language so that I may feel more comfortable with RC. I think the main problem might be the english language.
I just un-timed did about ten PTs, and I think right now, I need to build the skill in drilling the by types, and then afterwards, try to time myself while doing PT.