
Laabradir33Laabradir33 Alum Member
edited July 2022 in Logical Reasoning 161 karma



  • hon132hon132 Free Trial Member
    122 karma

    Research not shared -> Development of treatment delayed -> People unnecessarily suffer so research should be shared.

    There's no assumption for you to find or address a flaw, the doctor makes an an argument and your job is to strengthen it with a principle. There are clearly other reasons why they shouldn't share but this is only finding the best law that would infer this call to action is valid. Choice C does this by saying since A -> B and B -> C, We shouldn't do A because A -> C.

  • ajcrowelajcrowel Free Trial Member
    207 karma


    The doctor in the stimulus claims that it's wrong for researchers to keep their work hidden because not sharing the results of that work could lead to unnecessary human suffering. The word because is not explicitly mentioned in the stimulus but it has the same logical structure as if it were.

    So that gets us clear about what's going on and when we paraphrase in real time I'm thinking about an answer choice that says something like "when medical researchers cause unnecessary harm it's wrong".

    C gives us that paraphrase. If the sharing of information could prevent unnecessary suffering then medical researchers should not keep it hidden. "Should not" isn't the exact same thing as moral wrongness, but it's close enough and none of the answer choices except B even get close to claiming something about wrongness.

    You can get rid of B because the stimulus talks about preventing unnecessary suffering. That's distinct from the duty to prevent any suffering at all (which is what B talks about).

    Hope this helps.

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