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Comparing Blind Rvw results to score

calcal101calcal101 Alum Member
edited December 2017 in September 2017 LSAT 582 karma

I've been studying for nearly exactly a month at this point. My diagnostic, with quite a few very lucky guesses, was 162. I'm currently hovering around 164-165, and I'm a little frustrated with my progress.

Do you think it is realistic, at this point, to still shoot for a 172+ on test day? Essentially, I have 3 months to go, and I'm still testing almost ~8 points below my goal, but I CAN do them…just not in the time…anyone have any personal tips for speeding up?


  • GrecoRomanGrecoRoman Alum Member
    140 karma

    Logic games are just like any game. You need to keep practicing until you are good. Eventually they will come natural to you and you will be much faster.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited June 2017 23929 karma

    @"work all week" said:
    Logic games are just like any game. You need to keep practicing until you are good. Eventually they will come natural to you and you will be much faster.

    Very true! My only advice for LG when you feel this way is to just keep doing them. You're going to get better and faster. Fool proof every game you practice as well!

    @cal270 said:
    I've been studying for nearly exactly a month at this point. My diagnostic, with quite a few very lucky guesses, was 162. I'm currently hovering around 164-165, and I'm a little frustrated with my progress, though I have not really fully committed to obsessively practicing logic games (which is by far my worst section) yet. Regardless, when I do Blind Review, I typically lift my score up to 172-3. I'm planning on taking the LSAT in September.

    Do you think it is realistic, at this point, to still shoot for a 172+ on test day? Essentially, I have 3 months to go, and I'm still testing almost ~8 points below my goal, but I CAN do them…just not in the time…anyone have any personal tips for speeding up?

    OP, you have a very good diagnostic. I don't see why you should aim for anything less than a 172. I think a lot can happen with 3 months of effective LSAT prep. Worst case, you can always push back until December/whenever you're scoring 172+ on PTs.

    If you can identify that LGs are your worst section then I think it makes sense for you to focus on them a bit.

    Personal tips are just 7Sage's videos and fool proofing method. After fool proofing PTs 1-35 most people can generally get pretty damn good at games. It just takes patience and practice like anything else.

  • calcal101calcal101 Alum Member
    582 karma

    Thanks for the feedback, both of you. I just got the LG Bible in hand and will start to work through that. I just PT'd again and got a 167, so we're making progress!

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27891 karma

    You've only been studying for a month? A few things there: First, your score is really impressive and you have endless potential, lol. Really, that's phenomenal. Second, have you completed the curriculum? One month in is mighty quick to be PTing, even scoring so well. There's a lot you can do outside of PTs--maybe with LG especially--that is going to be way more beneficial than taking PTs. You would probably do a lot better by reviewing the curriculum and fool-proofing the games from 1-35. Also, Powerscore uses pretty different approaches from 7Sage, so just make sure that whatever you do, you standardize your own approach. If you're going to borrow elements from both, just be deliberate about your strategies.

  • NathanMMolinaNathanMMolina Member
    20 karma

    @cal270 I'd take into consideration what @LSATcantwin says in their thread called "LSAT the game of exposure".

    I've experienced it as well, the benefits of familiarity with the material. The more we practice, the more we come to expect what the questions will do. Doing 15 sets of one type of LR question in a row (timed 1:24 per question, then blind review, then watching explanations) helped me come to predict what I may see in a question and therefore process everything that much quicker.

    I have had my own troubles with timing, yet getting familiar with question types (especially under 1:24 time pressure) has helped me speed up.

  • Maddie D.Maddie D. Alum Member
    325 karma

    So basically we're LSAT twins haha My original diagnostic was a 162 before I started studying and LG was by far my worst section as well. I also plan to take the September test. (I'm PTing around 166-168 now while still nailing down LG.) I'm sure this doesn't need to be repeated but the foolproof method is incredible. I was struggling so badly with games while using a different study program but JY's explanations and foolproofing are successfully pulling me out of that rut by drilling methods and question types into my brain. Seeing where rules kick will become instinctual at a certain point, which will really help with timing. Since I started hammering conditionality in the context of LGs, a lot of it is coming to me naturally without having to write everything out even though I'm a really visual person. Huge time saver.

    I was skeptical at first but adding an element of muscle memory and recognition is so beneficial. I also always prove out wrong answers when I blind review after doing timed sets and sections. I'm aiming for the same score as you and I'm confident we can do it!

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Yes, I think this is very realistic. @NathanMMolina already directed you toward what I believe will help you. Pure exposure to this test alone will help you become faster, and more accustom to each section. For LG and LR this is especially true. Do a ton of games, over and over again and you'll start to see that they use the EXACT SAME INFERENCES! It's glorious, and the wrong answers are always the same types of traps. Once you see these patterns your score will start being more consistent. Once you have that consistency, you will be able to see what your weaknesses still are....(fucking flaw questions KILL me.)

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