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Am I properly full-proofing LG?

kvbusbeekvbusbee Member
in Logic Games 99 karma

LG has been by far my worst section, and I've been focusing on it the past few weeks. I've seen some improvement: I used to only be able to do the setup for 2-3 out of the 4 games, and now I can usually get the setup and most questions right, but I usually run out of time on the out-of-ordinary games.

I'm wondering if I'm full-proofing correctly? I was following the method in the CC, but when I go to re-do the games back-to-back, I'm not really sure I'm actually making the inferences. I usually can remember all the inferences, especially the ones I missed the first time around, but I'm not making them. Does that make sense? So I've started to do a timed section, and then full-proof for the next few days so that I can't just remember all the inferences, and I'm actually forcing myself to make them. Does anyone else experience this?

It's seems like from the CC we're supposed to do them over and over again, back to back, until we own the game. But if I do that, is it really benefiting me since most of the time I'm just remembering what I just did instead of actually making the inferences again?

Any advice would help. Thanks!


  • extramediumextramedium Alum Member
    edited June 2017 419 karma

    Everyone learns a bit differently on this thing. I didn't follow the exact instructions for fool-proofing and I'm following a pattern more similar to yours, which is working very well. When you have some time away from the questions, forcing yourself to make inferences that you've forgotten helps quite a bit.

    I never take a day off on LG, even if I do nothing else that day. So the beginning of my daily schedule is redoing the logic game set from the day before, and then doing a new one. If I have absolutely no idea what's going on in one of the questions on the new one, I'll take a look at the video explanation to get a better idea. Then I'll redo the game the next day and try to recall any insight I gained from the video. If I'm still not comfortable with it or not finishing under time with all questions right, with the exception of an occasional mishap, I'll keep doing it everyday after that until I'm comfortable with it.

    You'll get there. It takes time to get good with LG. Inevitably, I feel like you end up combining the strategies from CC with your own insights that you've developed along the way.

    Good luck!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @kvbusbee said:
    LG has been by far my worst section, and I've been focusing on it the past few weeks. I've seen some improvement: I used to only be able to do the setup for 2-3 out of the 4 games, and now I can usually get the setup and most questions right, but I usually run out of time on the out-of-ordinary games.

    I'm wondering if I'm full-proofing correctly? I was following the method in the CC, but when I go to re-do the games back-to-back, I'm not really sure I'm actually making the inferences. I usually can remember all the inferences, especially the ones I missed the first time around, but I'm not making them. Does that make sense? So I've started to do a timed section, and then full-proof for the next few days so that I can't just remember all the inferences, and I'm actually forcing myself to make them. Does anyone else experience this?

    It's seems like from the CC we're supposed to do them over and over again, back to back, until we own the game. But if I do that, is it really benefiting me since most of the time I'm just remembering what I just did instead of actually making the inferences again?

    Any advice would help. Thanks!

    Remembering the inferences is exactly what you want to aim for! That's one of the major points of fool proofing. So many of the games contain similar inferences that if you start remembering them without "trying" you will be in good shape, even on games you've never seen!

    I think you are doing it right from what I've read. Just make sure you are re-doing them the next day and the next week or so to ensure you are remembering those inferences.

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    Like Alex said, remembering the inferences is a good thing. You're developing "muscle memory" so when you encounter a game with a similar set-up and inferences it's almost like you are switching into auto-pilot.

  • kvbusbeekvbusbee Member
    99 karma

    @extramedium @"Alex Divine" @Freddy_D thanks for the feedback guys, it really reassures me!

  • LawSchoolHopeful-6LawSchoolHopeful-6 Alum Member
    143 karma

    So please forgive me but does full proofing refer to when JY says do the logic games repeatedly with fresh paper until fully comfortable?

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