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Thoughts on doing well

dan_reynoldsdan_reynolds Free Trial Member

There are different techniques used for each section of the LSAT. On the RC section, you need to read the passage. You need to read it like a Reasoning Question. This takes me 3.5 minutes on average. I am an excellent reader, and I have read these sections in two minutes, which would work if I were reading a Tom Clancy novel, but this stuff is dry -and uninteresting. You have to be in the mindset to suck this info in. I don't mark up the page with lots of symbols, I mark the different viewpoints. I look for the key point in each paragraph. I underline that part. I put a V by each viewpoint. Timeline, you should be able to remember chronology without going back to look, and you should be able to remember where to find the answers to the questions, by memory, you don't want to have to reread a paragraph. I hope this helps.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Great post! I will definitely agree with most of this. I can't stress how important it is to be in the mindset to "suck the info in" as you say.

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