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Hey Everyone,
As promised I am starting the free LR tutoring. The first session will be on July 9th at 3 pm (eastern time).
The goal of these sessions is to go over one cookie cutter argument type each week. A cookie cutter argument is an argument that logically repeats on each test. The LSAT writers use different subject matter or grammar or both to disguise their logical shape in the stimulus and make it difficult for us. Sometimes they even have more than one cookie cutter argument in the stimulus. But the logic works pretty much the same way. Recognizing these patterns and knowing how the answers might shape up according to the question type is what helps gives us speed on LSAT.
The first session will be conducted on conditional logic. This is, in my opinion, one of the easier patterns to grasp. This would allow us to go over what cookie cutter arguments are and how conditional logic patterns appear throughout different question types. This will also give me a good idea of how to improve the next sessions.
After that, I have the next three session also ready to go. I am hoping to do each week a new session. The second one is on causal arguments, followed by Phenomena Hypothesis, and then Partial information ( I made up this name). These are the main ones and in my opinion occur most frequently on test. Depending on how these sessions go, I can work on doing the other patterns as well or we could stop there.
There is no minimum or maximum number of people. I welcome everybody. The questions will be made available on the screens for all to see so you don't have to bring in anything. I will be pulling questions from the older practice tests, PT 30-39. So this will not ruin fresh PT's for anyone as these tests are mainly used for drilling. However, you will get more out of these sessions if you have done the core curriculum. This will help you add on to the information you already know and you do need to know the basics of how conditional arguments work as well as what it means to strengthen/weaken, find the flaw, and see what must be true.
I am actually really excited to see how this shapes up and I hope this will be helpful to all of you. Preparing for these sessions from scratch was actually a lot of work so I am hoping this helps a lot of you out.
To join, please follow the link at the specified date and time. I will see you all there.
Free LR Tutoring (Sami)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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This sounds great! Thanks Sami, see you then!
Yeah, so excited, thanks Sami!
this sounds great! do i need a mic or can i just sit in.
You can do either. : ) You will get the most out of these sessions if you participate, so I encourage it. But I understand that not all of us can or feel ready to do that. I assure you I am very friendly and it will be a good, comfortable, and learning environment. So please feel free to join.
alright, thx
Ah, thank you so much, Sami. Looking forward to it!
Yay! I've been waiting for this. Thank you for making this happen Sami!
This is pretty early in the morning for my time zone (4am!), so I may or may not be able to join, but thank you for doing this, Sami
I'll be there! Looking forward to it!
Thanks for doing this! Looking forward to it
Maybe a bit late since I'll be working till 4ish but I will definitely still join!
Maybe of interest to you...
Hi, this is exciting:) will it be recorded for viewing at a later time? And does it last the whole 3 hours? Thank you.
excited!! will be there
Can I join in if I'm not an official 7Sager? I'd really like to hear about this stuff.
Of course! Everyone is welcome : )
It will not be recorded. I'll let you know how long it lasts after I have done a final run through. I am hoping it will be shorter than that. But that's the amount of time I have given myself.
Sorry. It was basically the only time gotomeeting was available. I didn't want to do it too late either.
That should be fine. See you then!
Thank you so much for this!
I'm there. Thanks!
Thank you! I'll be joining!
I'm trying to become a morning person (for the LSAT), so this could give me a good start
I'm thinking of waking up at 3:55am and join you. lol
Scheduled in. Looking forward to it, thanks!
I will be there Sami, I definitely enjoyed your RC session and looking forward to this one
Yes!!! Thank you so much. Thank you @jkatz1488 for showing me this. It is my one year anniversary this Sunday, and I will be in Michigan, but I don't care. I can wait for anniversary fun. I cannot wait for this.
I've done those PT's but I am definitely joining since I loved your RC session I went to!
sidenote: will you be doing anymore RC sessions?
I'll be there!
Thank you so so much for this! I will. E there
@Sami I think you may have taken too long to put this together. Looks like no one is interested anymore
Hi Sami. Thank you for organizing this. Sounds amazing. However, I just started taking the course and do not really know how to deal with LR questions yet, so I was wondering if I can still join the session?
Thanks in advance.
lol. I am okay with that
. More time for our review sessions together
You can. I am just not sure how useful that would be. How about this, if you still want to and you join us and it doesn't make sense to you, you can always leave.
Thank you and yes -there is one planned for the next weekend. : )
Hi Sami. I have just started to go through the curriculum, but I think these lessons may be valuable. Is there a possibility you may be recording the lessons and posting them somewhere for people to review later?
Thanks Sammy!
Ok. I'll be there! Thanks Sammy!
Unfortunately I am not a sage so none of these sessions will be recorded. : (
And I got informed by @"Cant Get Right" that I can record them but since its LSAT material which is copyright, LSAC might not take too kindly to this.
I am not an official 7 sager but, I am very interested to listen in to learn. Thank You
I dialed in and currently in but, I'm unable to hear anything. Is this still occurring?
@CRSTOVALL Hey! the session is tomorrow at 3pm.
Haha! Always good to be a little early. Thanks, see you on tomorrow.
I've never used GoToMeeting before. Do we use webcams or just microphones?
Sorry @Sami but I won't be able to join...Good luck and have fun
Microphones should be fine. I don't think we have ever used webcams.
Not able to join this one but I plan to listen in on the next one! Good luck!
@akistotle, @goingfor99th, and @akeegs92,
Sami said she'll do separate sessions early morning/evening if 5 people are having scheduling conflicts. I'm one of those people, since I live outside the U.S. If you all are also having scheduling conflicts, please let me know! I'm desperately searching for 4 other people with the same problem as me.
I'd be interested in working with you to make this happen. My schedule will be limited to evenings, though, unless we do a weekend session.
I am definitely interested!
I am tagging those who I think are in different time zones:
@sjiang666 @tOOyoungtOOsimple @nyc2dc2ca @Pearly5555
@akistotle hi ! Thanks for the tagging ! Yes I am also interested in it but since I also I lived outside US so couldn't make it to the session ! Please count me in for the separate session !
Thanks for tagging me! I'm intereseted as well, it's so nice that @Sami is willing to do seperate session, I'll be there!
So @Sami, if you are willing to do a separate session in the evening (hopefully around 8pm EDT-), @maithilibag, @goingfor99th, @Pearly5555, @tOOyoungtOOsimple, and I will be there! (5 people!)
(This is us saying "thank you Sami")
@akistotle I love puppies
. So this is just heartwarming.
Okay. I will PM you guys in a message with the details.