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Is a GPA Addendum appropriate? (Specific Scenario)

mmowrermmowrer Free Trial Member
edited July 2017 in Law School Admissions 25 karma

Hey everybody! This is my first time posting here so my apologizes if this post breaks forum etiquette.

Right now I'm considering whether or not a need a GPA addendum. From my undergraduate institution, LSAC will calculate that I have a 3.94 and within my time at my undergraduate institution I have steadily raised my GPA by small margins every semester. The problem is that I have some old DE credits from 4 years ago that will come back to haunt me and bring my LSAC calculated UGPA all the way to 3.72.

My ideal school is Georgetown having a median GPA of 3.77 and I'm still four points shy of their median LSAT (sitting in September to hopefully immediately apply ED after the scores come back.)

My question is should I write an addendum basically confessing I was a stupid teenager who didn't take life seriously and has since applied myself and steadily brought my GPA up every semester since? I'm almost worried that writing that addendum will highlight past poor grades without helping too much as I'm only .05 below their median.

What do you guys think? Additionally, if you think I should write it, should I include that since going to college I've held a 3.94 or does that not assist the addendum?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Yeah, this is interesting and I think this is one of those scenarios where only an expert should intervene and answer. On the one hand, it does draw attention to a minor thing 4 years. On the other hand, it did lower your GPA from near perfect to a 3.7x. So, it has made a bit of a dent.

    Then to add to it, you're aiming for GT ..... I may say it could be partly dependent on your LSAT> If you kill the LSAT, I wouldn't worry about the addendum. If you score at or below their 25th retake or write an addendum. That's my advice anyway.

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