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Anyone know anything about grants?

kvbusbeekvbusbee Member
in General 99 karma

Hey guys,
I've been looking up 509 reports for schools I'm interested in, and I keep seeing where school report how much grant money their students are given. I know there are federal grants and private grants, and in undergrad I qualified for a federal pell grant based on my mom's income through the FAFSA. Does anyone know anything about how hard grants are to come by in law school? Especially federal need-based grants? And I should probably already know this, but do we have to fill out a FAFSA for law school? I think I read somewhere that we do, and even if we've been out on our own working, we still have to include our parent's financial info on the FAFSA. If anyone could shed some light on this that'd be great! Thanks.


  • hon132hon132 Free Trial Member
    edited August 2017 122 karma

    From personal experience:

    Yes,you apply for Fafsa any time you wish to use federal aid, there's a limit to how years of aid you can get from certain grants like the pell grant, however. I believe it was 6 years (12 semesters) so it won't last the additional 3 years of law school unless you paid for some years without aid. After that, any federal aid you get will be severely reduced as those grants are no longer available.

    If you're under 25 and don't meet certain income guidelines, you do have to file your parents' info. Need-based grants are given in set amounts to schools and the rule of thumb is first-come first serve but everything depends on the school. The only thing FAFSA does is tell the school of your family's expected contribution to your education, how much is the school's decides is based on that number. Best to always check the financial aid office of the law school you're going to but if you ask how much, most they'll give is estimates.

  • kvbusbeekvbusbee Member
    99 karma

    @hon132 That is awesome information, thank you! I turn 26 in September, so I'm guessing I will include my income on the FAFSA. Which is actually too bad, because I'm not sure I will qualify since I have a decent income and no dependents. I'll have to check into the schools I'm looking at applying to. Thank you!

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