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Interview Questions

So I am applying to law schools early (September/October) and my target school has interviews for an honors program that I am applying to. I have tried googling possible questions that they may ask but I get mostly examples for post-law interviews. I assume that many of the questions will be similar to the ones asked during post-law job interviews minus the obvious law school performance ones. Do you know what sort of questions may be asked? I don't have any shortcomings on my profile and I am not aware if it a group interview or with one person.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited August 2017 23929 karma

    the most important ideas that you should be ready to talk about, at least according to some of the admissions books I've read, is your reasons for wanting to attend law school and your resume. I'm not sure they'll be the same or similar to post-law interviews, though. Google interview questions for other top schools, they'll likely be in a similar vein.

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