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Applying in Rounds?

ag4898ag4898 Alum Member

I have deferred taking the exam a couple of times now and I just have to bite the bullet and take it in September. However, I am making progress and I feel like I could get the score I want by December. I know that everyone says that you shouldn't take the test until you're ready, but I've wasted so much money and I think putting it off again will mess with my head space. My plan is to take the test in September, apply to the schools within my range, and then if need be, take it again in December and apply to my reach schools with the (hopefully) better score added to my application. Does LSAC allow this? Please don't tell me to just wait until December, my parents will kill me if I put it off AGAIN!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Yes, the LSAC allows this so no need to worry :)

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    Yeah, people do this all of the time.

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