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spitzy11spitzy11 Alum Member
in General 772 karma

(This very well might have already been posted so bear with me)

I came across this cool website on growth vs. fixed mindsets.

As we are all in this brutal LSAT studying boat together, I think we all can agree that it's very easy to fall off into the sea of a fixed mindset mentality. I hit a wall last Sunday harder than I ever have while studying for the LSAT and I was definitely reverting back to a fixed mindset mentality. We ALL have great talents and our hard work is going to push us to attaining our ideal score.
Hope this was beneficial for anyone who needed it :)


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @spitzy11 This is awesome. I'm a big fan of focusing on mentality just as much as specific LSAT prep! :)

  • sillllyxosillllyxo Alum Member
    708 karma

    thank you!

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Nice, thanks! :)

    I definitely think mindset is a HUGE factor in LSAT performance. I personally think it is up to par with the factor of simply studying because even if you study a bunch and know your stuff, your mindset can prevent you from using what you know to your advantage.

    I have always had a negative mindset with RC. Have always hated it, knew it was my worst section, and just everything about it was a bad vibe for me. I knew how to approach the section, always have, but my mindset always made me do VERY bad on RC. I got rid of that mindset and just think of RC in a completely different way now, and now I have done much better than I used to.

    Mindset is a very important factor!!

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