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Overheard at September lsat, and other score/ cancellation related issues

olioliberolioliber Alum Member

How many questions guessed:

real lsats taken prior:

Expected score:
Cancel - y/n:
Timing issues y/n

Sorry for the randomness;)


  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    Overheard: girl- I have studied for a week

    Overheard: different girl- wait so they won't tell us which section is experimental?
    - me- well that would defeat the purpose wouldn't it ?

  • xtinextinextinextine Member
    edited September 2017 861 karma

    Overheard: a Black Eyed Peas song from another room (there was some conference going on in the same building...) ?

    How many questions guessed: Enough to where I'm already preparing for December. RC killed me.

    real lsats taken prior: 12 preptests
    Expected score: not even close to what I wanted
    Cancel - y/n: TBD
    Timing issues y/n: yeahhh...

  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    Overheard: I didn't have enough time to study because I had a wedding last weekend

  • KillmongerKillmonger Alum Member
    332 karma

    Yo this is hilarious. I hope theses keep coming.

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma


  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    Overheard: How long is each section?

    Real LSATs taken prior: ~35

    How many questions guessed: 1 or 2 - educated guesses though

    Expected Score: Not where I wanted :(. I think probably mid-to-high 160s.

    Cancel - No

    Timing Issues - Only on the experimental. But the experimental was the first section, so it blew my confidence for the rest of the exam :(

  • Pink DustPink Dust Alum Member
    edited September 2017 403 karma

    Overheard: Some self obsessed dudes talking bout how they don't understand people scoring under 160. I had to urge to say 'Who even asked you tho' but these days I'm learning to be more civilized so I didn't.
    How many questions guessed: Got confused on first game and then that negativity carried through the entire section and guessed last game :( RC I suck at so no hope there. During an LR section, I realized I misbubbled like a good 7 questions. So had to go back erase and rebubble it. I was thinking to myself, "Why is this happening to me"

    real lsats taken prior: 1
    Expected score: Don't think it was close to what I was prepping at
    Cancel - I will probably cancel :( scared it might be lower than my first write. This sucks. I just registered for the Dec 2nd date. Oh what fun.
    Timing issues - YES. damn this exam. I had plans to be done with it

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    @oberdysz said:
    Overheard: Do we all get an experimental LG?
    How many questions guessed: A couple in LR, 1 in LG, and who f'n knows on RC

    real lsats taken prior: 10ish

    Expected score: I just pray. I'm not even religious.
    Cancel - y/n: No, I'm a bite the bullet type of person.
    Timing issues y/n Yes on RC. The experimental RC I FLEW through. I did the last section in RC in 5.

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    @"Pink Dust"
    I'm in the same boat! The first game confused me enough to freak out and question my every step. I can do games without any issues but the stress took over :( after that I knew I'm going to cancel. Picking myself up and practicing timing and accuracy in the next two months.
    We can still apply this cycle. More study time can help to get even better scores! Things happen for a reason!

  • Pink DustPink Dust Alum Member
    403 karma

    @oberdysz said:
    @"Pink Dust"
    I'm in the same boat! The first game confused me enough to freak out and question my every step. I can do games without any issues but the stress took over :( after that I knew I'm going to cancel. Picking myself up and practicing timing and accuracy in the next two months.
    We can still apply this cycle. More study time can help to get even better scores! Things happen for a reason!

    Yeah :( I just really didn't want to rewrite. So sad, literally didn't sleep last night after the exam. Hopefully December will be our exam!!! Im gonna drill the hell out of games. I thought i had it covered since last LSAT in June i went -5 on games. So I focused more on LR. LMAO i get somewhat good at one section and get hella crappy at another. Like damn. Gotta pick ourselves up tho ey and push thru two more months.

  • tcookPHLtcookPHL Alum Member
    300 karma

    Overheard: so what score do you need to pass? And this guy definitely got into my head before he said "so you know for X school you need X score" and I literally just wanted to punch him in the face. Sorry but yes I know that I wouldn't be here if I didn't *** eye roll***

    Expected score: no clue my first LR section made me want to vomit

    Cancel: no, will most likely take the December test and write an addendum.

  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    @"Paul Caint" said:
    Overheard: How long is each section?

    Real LSATs taken prior: ~35

    How many questions guessed: 1 or 2 - educated guesses though

    Expected Score: Not where I wanted :(. I think probably mid-to-high 160s.

    Cancel - No

    Timing Issues - Only on the experimental. But the experimental was the first section, so it blew my confidence for the rest of the exam :(

    Exact same thing happened to me with experimental. I had experimental LG first and it shook me. I was really excited to see another LG (which turned out to be the real one) but it was so unusually easy that I figured it had to have been experimental and I went through the rest of the test under confident.

  • alexis.nemecekalexis.nemecek Alum Member
    18 karma

    For the most part I didn't overhear anything too crazy getting ready to take the test, just the usual nerves. I did hear one student that really upset me though, when asked by someone else what his goal was for the test/how he studied, he responded with "I have a 3.9 and am a URM. I'll get in wherever I want to go, no matter how bad I do on this. I haven't done any prep." It just was kind of a bummer to see someone playing the system, especially when it's supposed to help with diversity in schools, not be a free ride.

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    @"alexis.nemecek" said:
    For the most part I didn't overhear anything too crazy getting ready to take the test, just the usual nerves. I did hear one student that really upset me though, when asked by someone else what his goal was for the test/how he studied, he responded with "I have a 3.9 and am a URM. I'll get in wherever I want to go, no matter how bad I do on this. I haven't done any prep." It just was kind of a bummer to see someone playing the system, especially when it's supposed to help with diversity in schools, not be a free ride.

    I'd just laugh ? he's going to get a nice reality check soon

  • MikeLpz21MikeLpz21 Member
    39 karma

    @tcookPHL said:
    Overheard: so what score do you need to pass? And this guy definitely got into my head before he said "so you know for X school you need X score" and I literally just wanted to punch him in the face. Sorry but yes I know that I wouldn't be here if I didn't *** eye roll***

    Expected score: no clue my first LR section made me want to vomit

    Cancel: no, will most likely take the December test and write an addendum.

    Lol on what you overheard . People seem to think they know it all.

  • MikeLpz21MikeLpz21 Member
    39 karma

    Overheard: " Is the person protecting the exam a lawyer?" lol I wanted to laugh

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28067 karma

    Girl: [pointing to my watch] Hey what time is it?
    Me: That's not what that's for. I have no idea.

  • BillGreenpointBillGreenpoint Alum Member
    edited September 2017 318 karma

    "Aced it!" - Me, sarcastically at the end of the exam. I don't think everybody knew I was kidding.

  • sdunlap1984sdunlap1984 Member
    edited September 2017 33 karma

    "Wow! The LSAT is hard" - genuinely shocked guy.

    Girl running in place when she heard several of us talking about taking the last couple of days before the exam completely off: "I have prepped for a year, I can't believe ya'll didn't take full practice tests everyday this week and a warm-up this morning, my Princeton Review program gave us a warm up for this morning. Ya'll didn't prep right!" Umm okay eyeroll

    "I am shot gunning a beer or four after this test." walks straight to brewery 2 blocks aways - Me

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Overheard: I heard some guy trying to impress a chick by telling her that he always gets 27/27 on each LR section upside down face emoji

    How many questions guessed: 1 Q guessed on LR1, a whole passage guessed on RC, no Q's guessed on other LR and LG.

    real lsats taken prior: way too many

    Expected score: no clue. LG for sure -0 or -1, LR: -1 to -3 on each, RC for me is very unpredictable

    Cancel: nope

    Timing issues: RC

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    Overheard: girl cracked her neck so hard, right before starting after the break, that every person sitting in the room had a vocal reaction to it. Mostly ewwww or " that was brutal ". She just shrugged her shoulders like it s normal to almost self injure yourself and said " what, better for you I do it now than during the test,right?"

  • laurenkentlawlaurenkentlaw Member
    edited October 2017 29 karma

    One of the accommodated testers announced that she should have requested 100% additional time instead of the 50% additional it was as easy as fetching Skittles down the hallway.

    What I remember: Finishing section 5 and then proctor comes to collect the exam booklet and I was clinging to it like Jack did with the door after the Titanic sank. "Wait, that's it?! We're done?" <- everyone in room glaring at me, I had crushed down a Redbull during the break... I could see sounds.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @laurenkentlaw said:
    One of the accommodated testers announced that she should have requested 100% additional time instead of the 50% additional it was as easy as fetching Skittles down the hallway.

    What I remember: Finishing section 5 and then proctor comes to collect the exam booklet and I was clinging to it like Jack did with the door after the Titanic sank. "Wait, that's it?! We're done?" <- everyone in room glaring at me, I had crushed down a Redbull during the break... I could see sounds.

    hahaha I felt the same way. When the proctors looked at us and said we are done, so many people were looking around and smiling and stuff and I'm just like "what? like it's hard?" ok, sorry for the legally blonde reference but my reaction def was something along the lines of wanting to do a whole other test because I didn't get to reflect my RC abilities on the test we just took lol. my fatigue for this test is almost non-existent at this point so I honestly would've went for a round 2 if I'm being honest. I bet if I would've said that out loud I would've gotten so many death stares.

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    @TheMikey said:

    hahaha I felt the same way. When the proctors looked at us and said we are done, so many people were looking around and smiling and stuff and I'm just like "what? like it's hard?" ok, sorry for the legally blonde reference but my reaction def was something along the lines of wanting to do a whole other test because I didn't get to reflect my RC abilities on the test we just took lol. my fatigue for this test is almost non-existent at this point so I honestly would've went for a round 2 if I'm being honest. I bet if I would've said that out loud I would've gotten so many death stares.

    I wanted another one too! " I can do so much better on the second one, just give it to me!"

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    Bump to December!

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