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Which postponed LSAT date to take? (Poll)

ahmadkre93ahmadkre93 Free Trial Member
edited September 2017 in General 26 karma

I'm in South Florida and the Sept. 16 test was postponed due to the hurricane. I got an email today saying I could stand-by at an open center (over an hour away) this Saturday the 23rd or I can take it on Oct. 14th at my original center (10 mins away) where I'll definitely have a spot.

Which should I take???

My main concern regards applying asap. To what extent is it advantageous to complete/submit an application on Oct. 12ish vs early Nov. (when I think the Oct. 14th score will come out). I'm afraid my next score won't be high enough, so I want that advantage of applying early. I already have one LSAT score, so I'll at least be starting applications very soon, but can't complete them until I get that second score.

My other concern is the score. My June LSAT was good (162) but not good enough. Over the past 2 months, I've been getting 166-169 on the prep tests from 2011-14. But on the most recent prep tests, since 2015, I'm back down 163-164 average. Its weird because these are actually the ones I had taken most recently prior to the June test. I also noticed this trend when I was studying for the June test. I do feel that the more recent tests are more difficult; on these most recent tests I get way more wrong in LR than usual and for some reason I can't finish the whole RC section which is odd because I usually can.

Anybody else have this experience?

My goal is 164 minimum.

When to take LSAT?
  1. When to take LSAT?22 votes
    1. September 23rd
    2. October 14th
    3. Cry in corner (don't pick this one pls, thx)


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    I vote for October 14th. One, because that's my birthday....

    Two, because I really think more time is ultimately going to be advantageous for you. You will likely be able to use this time to work on getting used to the subtle differences in the new tests.

    Lastly, don't take any test until you feel 100% comfortable. If you find yourself about to sit for the exam and you know you could have improved on something that you didn't have enough time for, I think this will lead to higher anxiety and ultimately worse performance. So no matter what date you do choose, make sure you are ready!

    Good luck :)

  • LindsMitchLindsMitch Alum Member
    589 karma

    I think applying early November is still considered pretty early. And gives you a solid 3 weeks of prep. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm getting a slightly stressed-out vibe from you and I think it would be sucky to care that into the test in only 2 days, especially if you already concerned you won't make your target score. If you were planning on taking it again in December for sure than I would say take whichever, but if this is going to be your end-all be-all score, I say wait.

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