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Is there a such thing as Fool proofing ineffectively?

Brazil020511Brazil020511 Alum Member
in Logic Games 429 karma

Hello everyone!
So, I have started fool proofing, and I feel like I am not doing it effectively. I generally use the concept of doing the game once. Watched the video explanation. Do it again the same day. Then, do the same game the next day. Wait a week and do the same game again. However, I do not seem to be getting some of the games within time by the 4th try and some of them I am still answering wrong. So, I have thought of some reasons why I may not be grasping the concepts and wanted to get ya'll take on it.

First, I am not focusing specifically on LG. I have split my study times between LG and LR or LG and RC. My LR is doing better, but I also think I put more emphasis on LR. Do you think I should take it section by section instead to focus?

Second, I vary in how many games I will do a day mostly since I split time in studying. For example, I may do 2, 3, or 4 games on my study session. Should I do a whole section each time?

Third, I think my Foolproof cycling is not good. I do the four tries, but since I vary on how many I do, I may start a new game. Also, I have not returned to some of the games that I have done 4 times and not got all the answer right/within time frame. Should I increase my intervals such as: do game x twice in a day, then next week do game x, then next month do game x?

It's funny because the more I type, the more I am seeing what the problem is lol.


  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    @Brazil020511 said:
    Hello everyone!
    So, I have started fool proofing, and I feel like I am not doing it effectively. I generally use the concept of doing the game once. Watched the video explanation. Do it again the same day. Then, do the same game the next day.

    Before you put the game aside for next day make sure you have done the game till you completely understand the game and how each inferences were derived.

    First, I am not focusing specifically on LG. I have split my study times between LG and LR or LG and RC. My LR is doing better, but I also think I put more emphasis on LR. Do you think I should take it section by section instead to focus?

    This may be a good idea. When I foolproofed LG I didn't study LR or RC for a month.

    Second, I vary in how many games I will do a day mostly since I split time in studying. For example, I may do 2, 3, or 4 games on my study session. Should I do a whole section each time?

    If this is your first time foolproofing, I recommend doing games by type. So sequencing first, then grouping etc. Varying the number of games you do is completely fine. It all depends on how hard they are. Some games take longer to understand and you have to do them a lot more to completely get a handle on it. So it all depends on how far you are from understanding it.

    Third, I think my Foolproof cycling is not good. I do the four tries, but since I vary on how many I do, I may start a new game. Also, I have not returned to some of the games that I have done 4 times and not got all the answer right/within time frame. Should I increase my intervals such as: do game x twice in a day, then next week do game x, then next month do game x?

    I think you should do the games a lot more than twice when you havn't performed up to the mark on them. Keep doing them the same day till you get it completely and then mark it for the next day. If the next day you have a problem with it, do it again till you completely get it and then mark it for next day. If you get it the next day, Keep it for the next week. If you don't perform well on it next week you do the game again multiple times till you get it and you mark it for the next day and repeat the cycle.

  • Brazil020511Brazil020511 Alum Member
    429 karma

    @Sami Thank you for your response! This makes complete sense and I think your suggestions address my flaws nicely. I am moving on before I understand and that might explain my gaps because I never understood it completely before moving. Thank you again your insight was very helpful!

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