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Are commentaries/recaps on each LSAT helpful?

mzoodlemzoodle Member
in General 226 karma

It seems that after each LSAT exam, companies like Powerscore and others recap the exam, and discuss the amount and difficulty of questions. Is this helpful to us? IE, does the degree of difficulty of one exam predict the degree of difficulty of the following exam?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @mzoodle said:
    It seems that after each LSAT exam, companies like Powerscore and others recap the exam, and discuss the amount and difficulty of questions. Is this helpful to us? IE, does the degree of difficulty of one exam predict the degree of difficulty of the following exam?

    I don't think they're that useful, more or less entertainment if you ask me. I also don't think there's anyway to ever predict how the next test will be. If there were, they'd have to change their system, haha.

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